The Last Station

July 2014


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February 8th, 2014


[No Subject]

Who: Victoria and Saunders
What: A date and an art lesson.
When: Saturday February 8th
Where: Fromage and Saunders' flat
Rating: Medium? Is there such a thing?
Status: Ongoing

Paint the Night Away. )



[No Subject]

Both Alexei and Father are abroad for the IQC, Father to speak with a Peruvian Chaser and a Japanese Seeker that he hopes to secure IBQL positions for. They must be tremendous talents to receive berths on their respective national teams while still amateurs. Perhaps Jaime and I will take in one of their matches once we arrive.

Warded to Lisa Turpin
Have you availability for a Valentine's Day commission? Jaime and I will be joining Alexei in New Zealand prior to his first match on Monday, so this weekend is ideal. If you've another commitment, I'll double whatever amount you were to receive. Thank you, pet.

Warded to Theodore Nott
Do you approve of your potion, my love? I rather do.



log: pansy and gwen catch up

Who: Pansy and Gwen
What: Drinks and
When: Friday, Feb 7th (back dated)
Where: Hog's Head
Rating: sfw
Status: ongoing

Though the Hog's Head was usually not an enjoyable experience, Pansy found herself making her way into the pub to meet Gwen. It had been quite some time since she'd seen the witch and she wasn't sure what to expect. Their circumstances had certainly changed, though Pansy was determined not to let little Gwen get the upper hand on their evening.

Purposefully late, she strolled in and headed to the back booth, hoping to find Gwen there already.

Log: Moon-Smith Baby Shower

Who: Isabel, Zacharias, and all their friends!

What: Pea's baby shower

When: Today at 1pm

Where: 3C Main Street (Tracey's apartment)

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey and Megan have been hard at work all week to get the baby shower put together. )


Had a nice lunch with my mother and sister today. It is incredible to think that Sarah will be finishing up at Hogwarts this summer. Time just goes by so quickly.

I'm still trying to figure out what my next venture will be as I'm no longer in the quill-selling trade. I've had some great offers (and thank you to all of the shopkeepers in the village who have been so wonderful in considering me and giving me time to make some decisions), but I still haven't settled on what I think would be best for me. I have managed to write another ten pages in the past week, so maybe this break is for the best. Until the financial reality kicks in. Thankfully my mother gave me a nice little birthday gift that should keep me current for a short while longer.

[Warded to Dan]
Thank you again for Tuesday. Hope it doesn't put too much pressure on you if I say it was probably one of my best birthday I can remember. And the after-dinner activities weren't too bad, either. Looking forward to a movie tomorrow and I promise to try my best not to insist on a repeat performance on account of your father's flat and all...


Who: Terry and Mandy
What: Catching up over drinks
When: Friday evening (backdated)
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

In a way, Terry was glad not to have started work as soon as he moved into the village, the way it seemed other people did. He'd done a majority of his unpacking on Sunday, but the rest of the week had been spent getting a feel for Hogsmeade-- going to the Hydras game with Michael and Terry on Tuesday, helping Hannah out at Fromage in the meantime, reading up on the news and seeing what else was open in the village. There were many new shops that surprised him to see, and further solidified the move for him.

By the time Friday evening arrived and found him at The Three Broomsticks, he was wondering what else his other friends and housemates have been up to. There was Kevin's impending wedding, and Michael's dinner party, and even Serena at the party, but there was still Lisa to catch up with and Mandy, now, to say hello to. He was glad, in a way, that he wouldn't be the only new Ravenclaw in the village.