The Last Station

July 2014


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January 29th, 2014




I was out in the village this morning, picking up breakfast for myself at Qualitea, which I found to be begrudgingly delicious and I saw the back of a person with suspiciously red hair. If my brother is visiting from London and decided not to stop by and say hello before he went back to the big city, please do not report me to the village police as I beat him about the head with my Quidditch broom.

Warded to Hermione
I miss us. Any chance we could have a sophisticated outing soon? And by "sophisticated outing" I mean "girly sleepover at my apartment where we drink too much wine and eat our weight in crisps".

Warded to Dan
I just wanted to say a belated "Happy Birthday". I'd say it in person but...I'm avoiding you. Have you noticed? Please don't take it personally. I just...need to get you out of my system. Again, hope your birthday was nice.

Warded to Andrew
You never told me how lunch with Oliver's fam went! Were they suitably impressed with your impeccable manners? Similarly, is Oliver impressed with all shagging you're probably having? I wouldn't know about because you haven't bloody told me about it yet, you dirty wanker.

Also, did I tell you I also almost shagged my boss on his desk the other day? Oh, I didn't mention it? How silly of me. And that he was my mystery Halloween hookup? And that every time I head into work its an exercise in horrifying sexual frustration? I didn't tell you this? That's strange, because it's slowly driving me insane.




So if I were to hypothetically throw a late night Valentine's Day party at the shop, would people think I was going to love potion them perhaps it should be BYOB I could ask Isabel if she wanted to cater be interested?



Log: Serena breaks some news to Ritchie

Who: Serena and Ritchie
Where: WWN Headquarters
When: Wednesday, January 29
What: Serena has good news and bad news
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Serena was sure it had been just a weird drunken blip. )

Open Thread: Knitting Circle

Who: Hermione and OPEN
Where: Hogsmeade Reads
When: Wednesday, January 29, 7pm and onward
What: Knit knit knit (probably gossip and drama, who knows)
Rating: SFW

purl purl purl )







Two days until our inaugural Hydras weekend and on behalf of the Hogsmeade Hydras, we're looking forward to seeing you at tonight's match! Tickets are still on sale at the gates!

Remember to keep your ticket stub as this weekend, loads of businesses around everyone's favourite Scottish village will be offering brilliant deals! This is a great opportunity to support your local Quidditch team as well as support small businesses.

Participating establishments include:

  • Hogsmeade Reads: 50% off all Quidditch-related materials, including stationery and official calendars.
  • Foxglove Cupcakery: Two offers: 1) A Snitch cupcake charmed to fly about the stadium. The individual who catches it will receive a three-hour cupcake-baking lesson with Isabel Moon and Sebastien Summerby; 2) 1% off a cupcake purchase for each save the Hydras Keeper makes. (40 saves = 40% off, etc.)
  • Fromage: 50% off bottles of select wines and beers.
  • Gladrags: Personalised accessories in Hydras team colours.
  • Lisa Turpin Photography: A free photo from tonight’s match - pick your favourite from an array.
  • Qualitea: A free coffee/tea tumbler that can be brought in to the shop for discounted drinks and free refills.
  • Scrivenshafts: 50% off all Quidditch related products, such as special Quidditch team colored quills, stationary, parchment, and journals.
  • Spintwitches: 50% off of Hydras team kits.
  • Three Broomsticks: Three pints of beer if Summerby catches the snitch or if Weasley scores three goals.
  • Willing Wands: TBD

Looking forward to seeing you out and about the town!

(If your character hasn't specified what their deal offer is, please leave a comment in James' dropbox and I'll edit this post accordingly.)

Owl to Millicent


Do you want to hear a funny story?


Warded Private to Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown

My life is in a shambles and I have no will to go on.




Well, Hogsmeade, it was nice knowing you.

But before we go, here's a fun fact for you: given enough speed and force, a journal can dent your typical Hogsmeade residence wall.

Warded Private to Slytherins except Draco

Code Double Red

Red as in Weasley

Double as in there are now two of them in Hogsmeade

I may need to sedate Draco somehow. I haven't enough chocolates in the house to distract him.



Owl to Julian Dorny

Mr. Dorny:

I wish to lodge an official complaint against Ronald Weasley in response to the enclosed comment. This comment appeared on my journal on January 29, 2006 at approximately 9:00 p.m.

While Mr. Weasley may cite me for my response to a member of law enforcement if he so wishes, what measures exist within Hogsmeade to ensure Ministry of Magic employees do not abuse their positions of power? Mr. Weasley's verbal attack is disturbing and unbecoming of his role within the village.




Owl to Merrill


Hey, this is a little out of the blue, but are you still doing that match-making thing?

I'm asking for a friend.


PS. I really do mean a friend. Not me.



Owl to Hermione Granger

The owl carries the usual batch of hair potions, but infused with a flowery scent. A small bottle of aphrodisiac is enclosed, along with a note that starts singing 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love' as soon as it is opened.

Ms Granger,

I had no idea congratulations were in order.

T. Nott



log: Lav and Sebastien talk shop?

Who: Lavender & Sebastien
What: Talking about the recent Hydras loss
When: Wednesday after the game
Where: Outside the locker rooms
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing

It was a bit ridiculous that they'd lost to the ruddy Cannons )



Package left on the door of Myron Wagtail's flat

A bag of Muggle marijuana, left on Myron Wagtail's door. He is alerted to it by a knock, but no one is at the door when he opens. There is no note.



[No Subject]

Know it isn't Thursday, but figure this can be a special edition of the foster digest. Or guess it could be a normal edition if you read your journal after midnight... Important bit is Batman. (Not the Muggle superhero. Mean the little buddy whose picture is just below.)

French Bulldog, real sweet. Not real fond of cats. Or owls. Or Susie or Isabel. Um. Little skittish around women. Little socialisation wouldn't hurt. Fosters need prior experience with dogs.




I've been here a whole four days so I suppose it shouldn't be at all surprising that everything still look so very different to me. I imagine that it might take a bit to get my head around everything, but the flat is nice, surprisingly large and not a bad view at all. Everything is still in boxes though,other than the sofa, bed, and some of my wardrobe, which to be perfectly honest is about as much energy as I have at the moment. Work's a bit more important.

The village seems nice though. Hopefully I'll have a bit more time this weekend to explore. There seem to be quite a few options and things to keep one occupied.
Also, why is there no book club?