The Last Station

July 2014


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January 28th, 2014



Log: Justin and Wayne

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Tuesday
WHERE: Their flat
WHAT: A night off, just the two of them.
STATUS: almost finished

Heaven was probably just like that )

Owl to Eloise Midgen

Ms. Midgen,

As we discussed previously, my flat will be ready for inspection tomorrow. Would you prefer I be present for this, or do you prefer to conduct the inspection alone?

Thank you,
Susan Bones

owl: to the residents of Hogsmeade

To the residents of Hogsmeade,

The grand re-opening of Scrivenshaft's Quill and Writing Supply will take place this Thursday at 5pm. I will be hosting a gathering to welcome you all to the new and improved shop. There will be food and drinks as well as a large sale on many new items. I hope to see you all there.

Saunderson Fawcett



Left on Dan Bradley's desk

James and Lavender created a moving (and singing) birthday card that, when prodded with a wand, plays a recording of their melodious voices singing 'happy birthday.' They also somehow managed to get Cho involved, too.


cut for birthday card )

James also wrapped a gift and placed it on the desk along with this note:

I thought this might be fun for your desk, but you can also use it in the toilets too. Whatever you'd like to do. I don't know your preference.

Birthday cuddles,

log: Coffee Please

Who: Lisa and Saunderson
What: Meeting for a photoshoot?
When: Tuesday January 28th
Where: Qualiteas and Scrivenshaft's
Rating: SFW?
Status: Ongoing

Coffee please. )



Presented at Lunch at Hydras HQ


Catered by Foxglove was a cupcake tower with various Quidditch themed decorations (including a snitch, quaffle, bludger, and broom). There were a few different cupcake flavors but a few triple chocolate especially for Dan.

The office was also decorated with a banner and ton of balloons!


Lavender's gift was delivered to Dan's desk. The gift bag included a large bundle of sugar quills and a case of one of the specialty stouts from The Drunken Druid, plus a note:

Happy Birthday, boss! Enjoy your day. xoxo, Lav



Owl to Lucy Spinks

Hey Lucy,

It's Ritchie Coote. You might remember me from that night where we got so drunk over heartbreak that I think we puked the same toilet together? Maybe that wasn't you and if so, my apologies. I hope you are doing better than that night. So, I was wondering if Willing Wands carried second hand furniture? I've been thinking that maybe patio furniture indoors is not the way to go. I want to surprise Millicent the next time she comes over that I'm a grown ass man with grown ass man furniture. Maybe you could help me pick out a few (cheap) pieces?

Thanks again,




Everyone who came to the Cats game, thanks. You're awesome. Let's do it again.

Private to Tracey

Hello! You don't know me, but I work at Izzy's cupcakery. I heard you were doing her baby shower so I wanted to ask if there was anything I could do to help out.



Owl to Dan

Enclosed is a gift card for two tickets to a luxury movie theatre in London.

Happy Birthday, mate. My advice is to take your New Year's Eve bloke out. And I think I owe you a night of drinking three days from now, if you're game.



Remember that time I invited you all to a party?

Yeah, no, me neither.

Come by this Saturday, if you know where I live then you're invited. Open bar, loud music, proper charms (nothing to worry about, officers).



journal entry: hannah

Everyone be sure to read the Hogsmeade Herald tomorrow and look for Fromage's ad. There will be a voucher you can use this opening weekend. I'll be opening for dinner service on Friday night at 5pm.

It's finally happening and it's all very surreal. Next person to I see, please pinch me so I know this isn't a dream.

[Warded to Hufflepuffs]
I still can't think you enough for all the help you've been to me. If any of you need a favor, don't hesitate to ask.

[Warded to Susan]
Would you like to go to the knitting circle tomorrow? With everyone's help yesterday, I'm ahead of schedule and feeling much better about the open. A night off would do me a world of good.



log: pansy/hermione in the middle of the night [backdated]

Who: Hermione and Pansy
What: Returning a rogue Crookshanks and then some talking and stuff
When: Technically Friday morning (like 3am), Jan 24th [backdated]
Where: Hermione’s flat
Rating: PG-13ish
Status: Complete

Did you tell him to come smother me in the night because I kissed you? )


Owls sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Daphne Greengrass, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby, Merrill Urquhart, Caleb Warrington, Blaise Zabini


log: Excuse me? You are now wearing my drink...

Who: Saunders and Pansy
What: Accidents happen.
Where: Hog's Head
When: Tuesday January 28th, Night
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing.

She wasn’t drunk… but she wasn’t sober. )



Love Owls

Owl to Stewart Ackerley

Dear Mr. Ackerley:

Thank you for your interest in Merrill Urquhart Match-Making Services. After thorough review of your survey responses, as well as charms-supported data analysis, we are pleased to inform you of a potential match.

To meet your match and begin your journey to Happily Ever After good gods, man, please respond to this Owl with your continued interest. A response with a meeting date, time, and place will be forwarded to you within 24 hours of receipt.

Best of luck in matters of the heart!
Merrill Urquhart Match-Making Services

Owl to Daniel Bradley

Dear Mr. Bradley:

Thank you for your interest in Merrill Urquhart Match-Making Services. After thorough review of your survey responses, as well as charms-supported data analysis, we are pleased to inform you of a potential match.

To meet your match and begin your journey to Happily Ever After good gods, man, please respond to this Owl with your continued interest. A response with a meeting date, time, and place will be forwarded to you within 24 hours of receipt.

Best of luck in matters of the heart!
Merrill Urquhart Match-Making Services



log: cormac/romilda

Who: Romilda and Cormac (& Isla)
What: Running into each other
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Out on Main Street
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

under the cut )