The Last Station

July 2014


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January 16th, 2014




Just in time for the Hogsmeade weekend are a few new treats that take advantage of winter produce:

As always during Hogsmeade weekends, the back section of the shop is reserved for residents looking for a snack or tea.

Private to Lucy:

If you're still going out on Friday, I'll join you for a little while.

Private to Lisa:

Changed my mind - I'll be joining you all this weekend for the night out.

Private to Cormac:

You're on.

Private to Emma, Andrew, and Vicky:

In an attempt to anticipate and pre-emptively dodge calls from you lot about 'relaxing,' I am going out Friday night. To relax. So there.



log: cormac and ali take isla skating

Who: Cormac, Alicia and Isla
What: Boot skating and hot chocolate
When: Thursday, Jan 16 - before choir
Where: Black Lake then Ali's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

After both Cormac and Alicia had finished work for the day they bundled up themselves and Isla and made their way out to the Black Lake for an afternoon of boot skating. Things had been going well for him, as far as getting to know Isla was concerned. He wasn't sure the novelty of having a kid would ever wear off, but at least he was more familiar and comfortable with the idea. Plus, it was pretty awesome to have a little person love you so unconditionally. That was probably the best part in all this.

"The ice will be slippery so we can slide right across it with our boots," Cormac explained to Isla as they approached the Black Lake. "We'll hold onto you until you get the hang of it, though, don't worry."



log: harry and oliver go flying

Who: Harry and Oliver
What: flying and a pint
When: Thursday, Jan 16 - 7:30ish
Where: Oliver's top secret flying clearing
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Harry had been looking forward to flying with Oliver all day and when the time came, he headed down to the school to meet his former Quidditch captain. Pick-up Quidditch had been fun, but sometimes it was nice to fly without the pressure of winning on his back. After all, the end of the match didn't come until either he or his opposing Seeker caught the snitch. So, yes, Harry was looking forward to flying for flying's sake.

Catching sight of Oliver coming down from the castle, he raised a hand in greeting and said, once Oliver was in hearing distance, "Alright, Wood?"