The Last Station

July 2014


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January 15th, 2014



Log: Ritchie and Lisa

Who: Ritchie and Lisa
What: BFF stuff, interview prep, etc.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Ritchie's flat
Rating: low
Status: Ongoing Complete!

Lisa had always believed that studying, whether it was for an exam or a job interview, required the right preparation. So when she showed up at Ritchie's that evening, she brought along provisions: fully-loaded nachos, half a dozen of Foxglove's cupcakes, and a pitcher of virgin strawberry daiquiris.

"I don't think I've been over since you moved back into your place," she said, after greeting Ritchie with a bear hug. "Some BFF I am! But no time for that-- tell me about this interview. How do you feel? Nervous? Excited? Confident?"



journal entry: harry

Congratulations to the Hydra players who made the National teams. The rest of the Quidditch season is really going to be a good one. With all the Quidditch talk, though, I've been itching to get on my own broom. Anyone fancy going flying some time soon?

[Warded to Hermione]
Are you still mad at me? I heard you leave your flat last night.

[Warded to Ginny]
I just wanted to let you know that Hermione and I had a very in depth discussion and are both on the same page that we hold no romantic feelings for one another and it was a fluke moment between us.

I also wanted to apologize again. Hermione told me that I was being a prat and I hope you'll forgive me. Can we see each other soon? We can do whatever you'd like.


Had a lengthy visit this afternoon with a seventh year who is considering spending a year volunteering abroad after finishing school. Actually made me miss it just a bit, but not enough to go back on the road. She'd be great for it, though, and I hope she does it if it seems like the right fit. Felt like I was honest about the challenges that go along with the rewards.

[Warded to Merrill]
How are you feeling? Up for a visitor sometime?

[Warded to Roger]
Need anything? Let me know.

[Warded to Andrew]
Heard what you have now might be the real deal. Bravo.




New addition seems to be fitting in nicely. Of course, I caught Eris showing Nem how to open the cupboard where the treats are kept, so I may regret this in the end.

Warded to Isabel
So I guess you could call the sober thing a success. Sort of.

Warded to Merrill



Log: Adrian and Serena talk business

Who: Serena and Adrian
Where: Serena's office at the WWN
When: Wedneday, January 15, afternoon
What: Serena has some nitpicking to do.
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

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