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November 10th, 2014

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

River and Caspian have both gone back home, for those who knew them.

[info]heartofscraps in [info]portland_net

Well, at least now I know it's not just me dreaming that I am super hot, since everyone's freaking the hell out, too.

Private to Steve
Seriously? A MOTEL?

Private to Peter Q
You alright?

[info]jackofboe in [info]portland_net

You have got to be kidding me...

Ianto Jones! I have something that belongs to you.

[info]thatisnotaplan in [info]portland_net




My voice is really fucking high.


[info]grenade in [info]portland_net

I had a dream that I was this really pretty Hispanic girl but I broke everything I touched.

Funny story. It's not a dream.

Who Freaky Friday'd me?????? And why are you so damn strong?

[info]sharpshooting in [info]portland_net


I'm a guy. Didn't we already do this?

Screw this. I'm going for a walk.

[info]its_starlord in [info]portland_net

How do you turn Off the sounds and smell??? I don't know if I want puke or punch something

[info]juliettesi in [info]portland_net

Great way to wake up and find myself looking like my boyfriend. Guess this brings way new meaning to putting yourself in their shoes or something.

[info]queenlegacy in [info]portland_net

Team Arrow + Viktoria
So. Who else went through a change?

God, this is embarrassing Are you okay?

[...] Hey.

[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net


[info]myownfate in [info]portland_net

Oh my GOD.

[info]actuallesbian in [info]portland_net

In any other circumstances this might be cool but I'm so thirsty.

[info]bluenight in [info]portland_net

No, this cannot be happening, I refuse

Are you okay?

Did you switch bodies as well?

[info]worry in [info]portland_net


That's not me. That's Oliver Queen. We switched bodies. He's leaving now to come meet me but I wanted you to know what's going on. I see Aria switched too but maybe you could check on Han?

[info]onmygypsyshonor in [info]portland_net

Why am I craving chocolate? Oh, good. I wouldn't want the wormhole to leave me out or anything.

[info]buffythevampire in [info]portland_net

Would anyone care to explain why I am surrounded by witches?

Added later:
Private to Elijah
I need you to come pick me up.

Private to Santana
You need to take care of Clara for me.

[info]jeremyhunts in [info]portland_net

So... I'm just gonna come right out and say this... I'm a chick.

[info]shiftingromeo in [info]portland_net


[info]mrgaret in [info]portland_net

I would say things got slightly more amusing weird around here. At least I'm still in my body so that's a big plus. Not really sure how people can switch bodies then again didn't think aliens could come to earth so can't say much

[info]boltofbarry in [info]portland_net

Roy? I think I have your body, but I didn't wake up in our house.

[info]idontwantpeace in [info]portland_net

Well, that didn't take long. Gotta love this place.

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]portland_net

No, no, no, no, no...this can't be happening.

[info]hammondtj in [info]portland_net

[Private to Doug]
I'm a girl again. Did anything happen to you?

[Private to Sookie]
Where is the off button on the voices?

[Private to Jinks]
Are you still you or did you get picked on too?

[info]barnesbucky in [info]portland_net

This is not how I imagined starting my day.

[info]counterspy in [info]portland_net

You know, I think I prefer the zombies.

[info]wearmetotheprom in [info]portland_net

You're kidding me that I have to walk around talking with this accent.

[info]poweraddict in [info]portland_net

Who the fuck has my body?

[info]yorkehal in [info]portland_net

I am not okay with this.

[info]hybrid_king in [info]portland_net

Where are you little witch? I do not find your tricks amusing.

[info]witchkiller in [info]portland_net

Fuck everyone.

I quit.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

I shouldn't be surprised.

private to Robin
Did you ...?

private to Matt
I'm assuming you're in my body. How are you doing? Because if you're struggl

[info]thanksverymuch in [info]portland_net

Private to Abby

Abby, where are you?

[info]moonshined in [info]portland_net

private to Beacon Hills - Kate
Did anyone else swap bodies? How's everyone holding up?

private to Isaac
So, I was wondering something. Besides if you're okay. I know you're not. But it looks like Klaus switched bodies too.

private to Stiles
I think we need to take a break from sleepovers.

[info]argent in [info]portland_net

private to allison

Where are you?

[info]livingthelie in [info]portland_net

This is unacceptable.

[info]loyalhunter in [info]portland_net

I woke up thinking it was all over and ...

Going out on a limb and saying that the wormhole refuses to give us a break in between screwing with us.

ETA: private to Mystic Falls - Originals
Do any of you have vervain? I ... uh, swapped and there's a person in my body that's probably not having the best control right now.

[info]consumesyou in [info]portland_net

Clever. Real clever.

[info]nightingalesway in [info]portland_net

Clearly this latest snafu caused by the wormhole has caused a lot of confusion. I was thinking that we could use either this posting or a different posting so those who are still looking for their bodies could get in touch with the individuals who are inhabiting them.

More importantly, please remember - and I cannot emphasize this enough - if anyone has an outstanding medical condition or oddity that the person currently inhabiting your body will need to deal with, be certain to tell them! I realize this might be... awkward, but if it can keep either your body healthy for the time when you will re-inhabit it, I believe it is worth trusting the other party.

Also, if anyone who has not been bodyswapped could please let me know who you are, I'd appreciate it... Trying to figure out if I'm the only one...

[info]grenade in [info]portland_net


I will race you around the block.

Come on just one more time.
Tags: ,

[info]sanction in [info]portland_net

I've been here little over a day and then this happens.

This is a too much.

Private to Sara
I almost didn't believe the crazy and...well, it's all pretty spot on. Are you okay?

Private to Oliver

Ollie? Are you...okay?

[info]mcqueenbee in [info]portland_net


[info]pondoflife in [info]portland_net

Private to Whovians/Torchwoodians and Enzo
So, in celebration of River returning to a better place (and of course, this dodgy sort of body swap thing), I say we have a party at our house.

Feel free to invite all your friends.