January 2015




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Dec. 24th, 2014


Filtered to Team Arrow, Sagitta, friends and family

I'm sorry this is short notice, but my sister is hosting a Christmas get together on Thursday at her restaurant, and you're all more than welcome to stop by. There'll be plenty of food, so all you need to do is show up.

Just in case I don't see you, though, happy holidays.

Dec. 22nd, 2014


A wormhole that leads to another universe, that's [...] new and unsettling.

Dec. 15th, 2014


So, that carnival.

What's the verdict? Is it the time of everyone's lives?

Dec. 10th, 2014


Private to Laura

Hey. What are you doing for breakfast tomorrow?

Dec. 2nd, 2014


Does anyone have a favorite Christmas tradition? It's still a little early to get deep into celebrating, but Thanksgiving always is the kickoff for me.

Mine is probably decorating the tree with Laurel and our parents with Christmas movies playing in the background. Even as we got older we tried to find time to do it together.

Nov. 24th, 2014


That took long enough.

Private to Elena
You want to meet up tonight or are you doing something that's not as important as coming over to see yours truly?


Locked to friends/family
Everyone okay?

Locked to Laura
I'm sure you're probably busy preparing for Thursday, but if you need a coffee break, or if you need anything for Thanksgiving, please just say the word.

Nov. 17th, 2014



I would like to do a big Thanksgiving this year. Who's in? Cora and Derek, you have no choice.

Private to Scott McCall

Hello, Scott. I apologize for not reaching out earlier. But I would like to formerly invite you and your pack over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Nov. 10th, 2014


Team Arrow + Viktoria
So. Who else went through a change?

God, this is embarrassing Are you okay?

[...] Hey.


How do you turn Off the sounds and smell??? I don't know if I want puke or punch something

Nov. 5th, 2014


Friends/family of Robin and Stefan [+ Stefan obv]

We're still away for the night, so we can't tell you in person (SORRY), but we couldn't until tomorrow because I'm not sure who's more excited right now, since Stefan's excitement is so damn contagious.


Nov. 3rd, 2014


'Eventful' definitely doesn't even begin to cover this place.

Private to Cora, Braeden, Viktoria
Last month was difficult to say the least, so I think you're all entitled to time off from the agency if you wish to take it. This week the city will be busy with the clean up, and I'll be busy as the Arrow and most likely won't be in the office so consider it a paid vacation. If you need more than a week, that's fine as well.

Private to Team Arrow
I'm closing down the agency for the week, but I'll still be out doing my extracurricular activities. I have to. I killed those people that could have gotten the cure, it If you need anything, let me know.

Private to Molly and Thea (separately)
I hope you're okay.

Nov. 1st, 2014


Locked to family/friends


Did I really

I'm s

I'm back. I'm okay. Is everyone safe?

Oct. 29th, 2014


Derek's Friends/Family

Derek passed away early this morning. I'm sorry.

Oct. 28th, 2014



Has there been any change?

Oct. 24th, 2014


Laura and Derek

I just spoke with someone who came from a world where the zombies already existed. She called the virus the Green Flu and said that so far they hadn't found a cure - but that she and some of her friends were known as carriers and are immune to the virus. She's offered a sample of her blood for us to have, and as soon as I meet her I'll bring it to you. There were no werewolves in her world, so there's no known cases of a wolf having the virus that she knows of. There's also no way to predict what the blood might do if or when it's used.

Oct. 22nd, 2014


Private to Braeden

I know we don't know each other well yet but do you have any idea what's happening to Derek? I'm not sure who else to ask. And if it's not too forward, I have to ask another favor. That you don't repeat any of this to Derek.

Private to Robin

How are you feeling, sweetie?

Private to Chris Argent

Do you know who I am?

Private to Katherine Pierce

Holly tells me I'm supposed to work for you. I guess we can say I've been called out sick.


private to Laura
How are you holding up?

private to Scott
I need to talk to you.

private to Braeden
Hey. Can I ask you something?


[private to Laura and Derek]
Thank you for helping her.

[private to Robin]
How are you feeling today?

Oct. 17th, 2014


Robin's Friends

Hi. I'm Laura Hale. I think maybe some of you know my brother Derek. Derek and I were out trying to help with the zombies last night and we ran into Robin. She was trying to help someone escape the building when someone stabbed her. She was bleeding out quickly and I had to act fast. As an alpha werewolf I have the ability to turn people into beta werewolves. Werewolves heal very quickly and a stab wound would heal instantly. I asked her what she wanted and she told me she wanted to live so I tried to turn her.

Every once in awhile it just doesn't take. There really isn't a good explanation as to why. Some people just can't be turned and they die. Robin is very sick right now. Derek and I took her home. I'm not sure how much longer she might have. Of course you're welcome to come and see her.

I'm sorry.

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