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Nov. 11th, 2014



Nov. 3rd, 2014


Private Messages to Finn and Sam

Private to Sam


Private to Finn


Oct. 18th, 2014



Oct. 13th, 2014


Private to Finn, Sam Evans, Dani and Santana

Private to Finn

I called in for a doctor to come see me. He told me that I don't have that much longer. Apparently the infection from the bite mark is spreading fairly quickly. I just want you to know, that even though we aren't together, you have always been my muse and I will never stop loving you. I'm just saying my goodbyes right now.

Private to Sam

Hi....I know that I should have told you this sooner. But I didn't want you freaking out and then being miserable for a while because I don't want you remembering me this way and remembering me from a much happier time and my smile. I got bit and got the infection and I'm at home, I had a doctor come over to look me over and I don't have very much longer. I was looking forward to our NYC trip. So I guess this goodbye from me.

Dani and Santana
Figured that I would just send this to the both of you. I wanted to say that you guys make such a cute couple and I'm so happy you guys are married. You guys are going to live a long and happy life with one another. I wish I could say the same, but I can't. I'm sending you my goodbyes. I don't have that much time left before I die. I got bit at rehearsal and the infection is spreading through me pretty quickly, couldn't make it to the hospital and I had a doctor check on me at home. I'm making myself comfortable until my last breath. So goodbye girls.

Oct. 5th, 2014


... Sam? Why am I in Portland? Am I dreaming?


I don't know what's going on here, but I was almost seriously injured today at rehearsal for the musical. People getting into arguments and throwing things around. This is just too crazy!! I've never seen anything like this before.


If anyone knows anything about the sorority house fire, please tell the police. Because they've just arrested Santana and she didn't do it.

Private to the Originals and Hayley
Do you guys have any idea where Rebekah is? Santana really needs her right now. I have no idea what to do.

Private to David Lassiter
Hey. So, with Santana in jail and Rebekah gone, I don't know what needs to happen at the Teardrop. Maybe you could be manager for a little while? Rebekah always seemed to trust you.

Oct. 4th, 2014


Private to Sam

So.....I was wondering. I want to take advantage of that 24 hour getaway. Do you perhaps want to go with me? I want to go to New York, catch a Broadway show, be like myself again.

Sep. 25th, 2014


Well, besides getting all my amazing playbills from I don't know where. I got the greatest news today! I GOT THE PART! You're looking at the new Wendla for Spring Awakening. I'm really excited about this. I think I might go to the teardrop for a drink to celebrate, anyone want to come along?

Sep. 23rd, 2014


Private to Sam

I'm so sorry for all the messages to you from me. But, I didn't know that Santana and Dani were planning in getting married. Would.....would you want to go with me to their reception on Thursday as my date?

Sep. 22nd, 2014


Yeah, so, Dani and I kinda got married yesterday. Surprise?

Anyway, we're gonna have a reception at the Teardrop for everyone who wants to come or whatever. We'll probably just do it Thursday and combine it with karaoke. Let's face it, Berry will be trying to sing anyway, so why not just make it easier (and less annoying) on everyone?

Sep. 20th, 2014


Private to Sam

I really want to thank you for everything. Knowing you were there for my call back, even if it was outside the door made me feel more comfortable than anything. The whipping wasn't so bad at all.

Sep. 17th, 2014


So, I realize I might have come off a bit hysterical insane bat-shit crazy unstable too harshly in my last post. The truth is that I'm sort of dealing with a lot of crap at the moment, and not knowing what's happening back home really sucks right now. Not really an excuse for my behavior, but that's all I got at the moment.

Anyway, I guess I better introduce myself. I'm Sam McPherson. I'm from LA, so really not that far from here, but that whole 24-hr rule sort of dumps on that. I was a high school student I'm a writer, editor of my school newspaper and all that. I guess if I have no choice but to stay here, I might as well get a job.

Also... this 2014 technology is like.... wow. Hey Apple, take all my money, okay?

So... yeah... stuff... Hi, everyone.

Sep. 15th, 2014


I got a call back! I'm so excited....apparently it's between me and another girl so they want us to am do a scene with a few of the guys. I can do this. I will get this part.

Sep. 11th, 2014


Private to Rachel


So I got the night off again tonight. You think you might wanna go somewhere? Like, to eat or something?

Sep. 4th, 2014


Okay FYI...don't break up with me because you think I'm too good for you and then try and serenade me with a Backstreet Boys song and try to get me back it's not going to work. Guys can be so clueless at times. I'm going to karaoke tonight, I need a fun night out.


Private to Sam Evans

So I was wondering. Are you going to Karaoke tonight? Would you like to go with me?

Aug. 25th, 2014


Am I gonna get fired cause I don't actually have clothes to take off at work?


I think I'll still go to work tonight.

You're welcome Portland.

Aug. 20th, 2014


Wow, it is great to be me again. I did enjoy being a little older than usual, but I needed to get back to normal so that my life could go back in working order. Now that my classes have begun and students are back at the High School, I think that I'm going to have a great year.

Sam Evans
So hey, if you're back to normal would you want to help me out with something?

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