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Aug. 11th, 2014


I never wanted to be a mother at this age.

Thankfully, Emma's fever has gone down. Little to no sleep and now this. Lovely, Portland.

Jul. 28th, 2014


Any ideas on how to stop my infant daughter from giggling at everything? I truly enjoy the sound, but it can get tiresome especially after hearing it for hours and for no apparent reason.

I've tried changing her diaper despite it not being soiled, giving her a feeding, warm bath, taking her outside, bringing her back in, rocking her, leaving her alone, hovering, just about everything I can think of... I may very well go quite mad frankly.

Jul. 9th, 2014


Emma is like her father. Likes to think too much and then proceeds to get so tired of thinking that she simply falls asleep in the process.

Pics or it didn't happen )


Portland. Well, this nowhere near nor nothing like the realm of the Fae.

Jun. 30th, 2014


He's gone.

I came home from the hospital, and all his things are gone. The wormhole, I presume?

[Private to Adam]
Are you alright, sweetheart?

Jun. 15th, 2014


Emma. Her name is Emma. And she's perfect.

That said, given recent circumstances, if anyone happens to see a man going on about a mind palace who doesn't identify himself by the name Sherlock Holmes... please let me know.

I have a bullet with his name on it.

May. 29th, 2014



Hah! I think I'm insulted.

May. 21st, 2014


Right. This is like blogging, isn't it. Just spilling out words onto a tablet and wondering what the Hell is going on. Where am I. Where is my wife! Where is LONDON for fuck's sake. What is wrong with the money here? Where's Sherlock?

And where is there a lavatory because I really need to piss.

May. 16th, 2014


It appears everyone living with me disappeared overnight.

Rather dodgy that this whole wormhole thing doesn't tend to give notice before evacuating your household. You know, even a note from the bloody hologram would've been polite.

Unless anyone else has seen Tom, Hal or Alex about?

May. 15th, 2014


If anyone needs anything, I'd be happy to go out and get it for you. Also, if you're having trouble with the new anatomical parts of your body, I could help you there as well. If you have any doubts about anything, consult someone first. It may seem silly and many things may be common sense, but when the roles are reversed literally, it may not all be as easy to understand as you may think.

May. 14th, 2014


Uhm..... yeah. Gonna need to ask for some fitted scrubs when I go in to the hospital today.

Charlie, you think you can hook me up with something to wear in the meantime?

Edit added later..

Mrs. Watson, if a girl happens to walk up to you today claiming she's me, please believe her?

May. 10th, 2014


Okay, listen up people, because I'm only gonna say this once. If someone wants to say something to me, then you need to fucking say it to me instead of being the little bitch you are and saying stuff to my girlfriend(s) behind my back. In fact, you needs to keep your damn mouth shut about things you know absolutely nothing about.

I'm talking to whoever the hell this applies to, but mostly this is for you, Prancy Smurf. You don't know anything about what the hell I'm dealing with right now. You haven't even bothered to fucking speak to me since any of this happened so don't you dare pretend you know what's going on with me. Because if you thought I was a bitch before? You have no idea what I'm capable of now. Got it?

Consider this your PSA.

May. 5th, 2014



Holly couldn't have waited until after I ate dinner? Because I had a very long conversation with the dude in the cart about exactly how much relish was going on that hot dog, and after the night I've had, I really could've used it.

Apr. 29th, 2014


[Filtered against supernatural-type hunters]

Right, I did promise myself I'd never be one of those obnoxious parents who assume the world really gives a toss about their new baby and the fact it's vomited on three of their clean shirts in the space of one day, or those that feel the need to flood social media with images of their child.


I think I can be forgiven this one transgression.

ooc: image behind cut, to save phones/low bw )

This is Eve Sands, and she's about two weeks old now and really quite perfect. No pointed ears, no whiskers, no tail. She's healthy, tremendously loud when she wants to be and doing very well so far. Though, really she could've chosen some time other than the temporary return of the ice-age to arrive. Needless to say I'm rather glad the blizzard ended.

She's soothed by the sounds of Antiques Roadshow of all things. Oddly I think that has more to do with the male influence in this house.

Apr. 28th, 2014


I was reproached out on the street today for walking too slowly. I'm not even sure why, because I was walking at a normal pace, awaited the digital sign of the walking man and crossed at the proper intersection. Yet still I was yelled at and berated that I was not walking fast enough. What is considered fast enough? A light jog perhaps? I shall have to consider this next time I am crossing a street.

Further, I believe my limited wardrobe that arrived with me here is not appropriate for this time period. I require assistance in purchasing something modest that will not gather me stares in public please. Could anyone help?

Apr. 25th, 2014


I've been Googling everything since 2008. Annoyingly, there doesn't seem to be a page anywhere called "everything interesting that's happened since 2008". There is a hell of a lot of QI to catch up on, though. Also:

1) They did what to the finale of Lost?
2) Three Sherlock Holmes reboots. Three.
3) Star Wars: Episode VII. No. I can't. I'm just not okay with this. Put the cult classics down, this cannot possibly end well. It would be like trying to remake Little Britain in the US, or a good Stephen King adaption. I can handle everything else - portals, wings, inexplicable AIs and powerful forces that pull you back after exactly 24 hours, whatever. That's fine, that's just going to give me plenty of research fodder once I'm doing reading about everything they've ever found in the Large Hadron Collider. But another Star Wars? Not okay.

Apr. 21st, 2014


It would be too much of me to ask if anyone has seen my husband around, wouldn't it? He's not a very tall man with sandy brown hair and just a twinge of PTSD. I only ask because his favorite chair was suddenly sitting in my living room this morning. I wonder if perhaps he too didn't come right along with it as well.

Too much, I know.

Apr. 14th, 2014


Although the hospital will remain open during this unusual winter-like storm, please be aware that ambulances will likely not be able to navigate the streets to attend to emergencies. Be mindful of medical issues and only call for an ambulance if it is a serious medical emergency.

That being said, if anyone feels that they are unsure as to whether or not they require the hospital's assistance, please feel free to ask me. I know communications are not at their best at the moment, but so far it seems as if the hospital's systems are still functional. We also have a backup generator as well.

I urge anyone who may still be out in the streets to find a safe haven until the storm is past. Again, if you require assistance, please contact someone immediately. Don't try to drive in these conditions either. Be safe everyone, please.


I'd also like to offer assistance to any that might need it during this storm. The snow doesn't really affect me, so if anyone is hurt, low on supplies, or needs to get somewhere safe, just let me know.

[Filtered to Rose Tyler, Mary Watson, and Susan Pevensie]

Are you all alright?

Apr. 6th, 2014


I think I finally understand what John Lennon meant when he said, "I am the walrus." The man was clearly 7 months pregnant at the time. This is precisely what a walrus feels like, I'm convinced of it.

This morning, I put on two different colored shoes. When did my feet disappear under me? I surely didn't give them permission to do so! My own body is deciding to play tricks on me, and I'll not have it, especially now that John isn't here to at least lend a helping hand.

Perhaps I should go bake cookies. That ought to lift my spirits some.

Now it's time for today's Possible Baby Name of the Day!

1) Lily Watson
2) Margaret Watson
3) Sara Watson
4) Joanna Watson

The voting begins now!

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