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Dec. 9th, 2014



Where are you? I'm having you committed for the obvious deterioration of your mental status.



You could have pretended to have a good time.

Dec. 5th, 2014



Where is it?

Nov. 26th, 2014


Blair & Nate

So I thought you guys could come over early for brunch and we could have drinks before heading over to Sam's for Thanksgiving.

Nov. 24th, 2014


Thank god that bullshit is over with.


Chuck? What the

This isn't happening what I expected.

Nov. 22nd, 2014


I hate it here. I hate what my life has become in a matter of days. What am I supposed to do? How can I even think of just starting over? I was engaged but none of that matters without Louis here. Or Chuck. Or my family. I don't have anything but Serena. Does she even understand? How do I even talk to her about this? I miss New York. I miss home. I miss my old life.

How do you all even live like this?

Private to Serena
Can you just smother me in my sleep and be done with me?

Nov. 20th, 2014


This is a joke, right? A sick, twisted, spun around joke. I honestly don't have the time for this. I mean, Portland? Why not just stick me in Chicago and end my misery? This joke could have least picked a better city.

Aug. 28th, 2014


[Private to David]

Will you come and stay with me for a little while?

[Private to Robin]

Are you freaking out?

[Private to Blair]

You have to be careful, B.

Aug. 11th, 2014


private to serena

What the hell is this????

I woke up ANCIENT.

I know you know what's going on!

Aug. 8th, 2014


Private to Damon
Robin and I are about to head to Vegas. We'll be back ... well tomorrow night at the latest. Don't kill anyone while I'm gone.

Private to Blair
I'm heading out of town, I probably won't be back until tomorrow night. So you have the place to yourself.

Aug. 1st, 2014


Somebody got a new car. Who wants to go for a ride?

[Private to David]

Hey! I'm so sorry that I've been a little MIA. Blair actually showed up in town so I've been trying to get her settled. How are you?


Private to Serena
Did I do something to you?

Private to Spencer
Hey, you don't know me, but you met my friend Elena. I'm Stefan. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Text to Damon
>>I'll be at your place tonight and from there we'll meet Harry and see what he can do.

Private to Caroline
How's Portland treating you so far?

Private to Blair
I know you're unhappy, but if there's something I can do to make it better, let me know.

Private to Rebekah
You need to be careful, Rebekah.

Private to Robin
I'm going to assume that Serena told you.


private to serena

Are you trying to manipulate my living arrangements too?

Jul. 30th, 2014


Hospital staff really are the same everywhere, aren't they?

Jul. 29th, 2014



Jul. 28th, 2014


This is absurd.

I have other things to do and the idea that I've been dropped here by some... wormhole is completely ridiculous.