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Aug. 13th, 2014


Private to Neal

Dude. Are you normal aged?



Aug. 11th, 2014


Should probably decide what I'm doing today. Long walk through Macleay Park with Teddy, go climbing, or find a pub with a good beer garden? Kind of refreshing when your biggest problem is trying to make that kind of choice.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Chocolate yogurt is absolutely vile. I put my faith in you, Stonyfield, and you let me down. You're damn lucky your Crème Caramel ice cream is so delicious.

This is your local PSA for today. You're welcome.

Aug. 2nd, 2014


[generic flexible "friends" filter (think more inclusive rather than less)]
As many people arrived in July as in May and June combined, give or take a couple, and three times as many as April. Which is particularly impressive since there was a good five days right at the start when there was nothing. (Or at least, if anyone did turn up, they didn't post on the network. It's hardly a foolproof system.) Tracking disappearances is a complete mess but best guess we're somewhere approaching a hundred people. Maybe in the 80s?

Remains to be seen whether the escalation holds, and the big dump of people in January doesn't fit, but it's slightly alarming interesting.

[Charlie, Darcy]
I'm thinking I might go to an actual bar tonight, as fun as drinking whiskey in the middle of 62 acres of wilderness is.

Any word on Jack?

Jul. 31st, 2014


Though I am rather fond of games, I suggest we play one of my own now.

Jul. 28th, 2014


It's been two weeks since we got these coins. What do we think, everything back to normal tonight?

Jul. 22nd, 2014


Well, I successfully wished to sell one of my paintings. Admittedly he's planning to burn it at a party as an example of everything that's wrong with modern art, but hey. Art's subjective.

You drink champagne?

Jul. 19th, 2014


There are dogs everywhere in this bar. I might never leave.

dogs )

Jul. 18th, 2014


Why am I so tempted to use that stupid ass wishing well?

Jul. 16th, 2014


Might be about time for another wormhole primer for new arrivals. Just skip it if you're already familiar.

length )

The question of controlling it... I don't know. It's difficult, and those of us who have either experience or advanced knowledge don't have the equipment we might have had back home. The question of whether someone else is controlling it, I think is unlikely. I couldn't rule it out, but we mostly seem to agree that it's probably a completely natural event. Holly clearly isn't, and that's a bit of a mystery, but I'm inclined to think that that's part of a system someone set up to deal with wormhole refugees, maybe someone who got brought here themselves and has since gone home.

Anyway, for anyone who's new, welcome to Portland. You'll probably get home eventually and when you do you should forget ever having been here and arrive in the same instant you left, so no need to worry about what's going on back there without you. I'm Ianto Jones, I work in the reference section in the library during the week and I'm one of the lesser qualified resident science geeks. (No advanced degree, lots of on the job training.)

Jul. 12th, 2014


Bored bored bored bored bored. Who wants to go grab a drink?

Reading about that avalanche at Mt. Everest oddly makes me want to climb a mountain. I get winded walking up right flights of stairs. You'll find my perfectly preserved frozen body deep in some crevasse.


Oi. Just oi. That Holly reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on who.

I'm Donna. I'm just a temp, but I can type over 100 words a minute, so if you know anyone looking for a good secretary, point them my direction.

Jul. 9th, 2014


Is there not a happy place of ale and laughter where I may drown in lighthearted fancies for a while? Oh, for all the brute's maddening countenance, tis his face the one I miss the most. I beg forgiveness from the lords of this network, for this prince has still the hardest of times accustoming to the day's advances. The foul beasts of a fortnight ago have vanished, and thus mine royal sword is once again without use. Oh, but the heart bleeds for smiles and times of joy. Much too much sorrow hath I seen these last few days that I cannot bear anymore. Such suffering and grief. Such despair. How can a prince so displaced in time understand the proper ways to ease a people's pain? Is there not an easy way? For my language is outdated, and my customs are ancient, but mine heart is as pure as any others.

Who can knowest the true way of dispensing sorrow and accompany a prince on his quest to seek comfort in these unsettling times?