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Dec. 21st, 2014


The wormhole took Lena so if anyone is still looking to question her for the thing at school, don't bother.

You busy today?

Dec. 12th, 2014


Private to Ed
I blew up the school. Well... not all of it. Just my classroom really. Everything they said about me was right.

I think the F.B.I. is after me now.

Dec. 11th, 2014


A hologram just wished me Merry Christmas. What in the hell?

Dec. 8th, 2014


It's getting a little quiet around here.

Private to Ed
You better not get pulled back by that wormhole.

Nov. 29th, 2014



Here's a little something to shake off those turkey comas. Atomic County Issue #2: The Crime of Fashion.

This is one of my favorite all-time issues of Atomic County because it stars Lil Miss Vixen. And everyone know she's the cutest superhero around.

Under the cut )

Nov. 25th, 2014


Private to Ed
I stole one of your pillows this morning. It smells like you. School should have been cancelled this week. I am beyond bored in Chemistry. Didn't you say you were gonna do my homework for me? Oh brilliant science genius of the universe? I am not worthy of your massive intelligence.

Yes, this is my sad excuse to stay entertained during class. What are you up to?

Nov. 20th, 2014



I don't know if you celebrate Thanksgiving but Viktoria invited us to go over to her place that day to eat. What do you think, you up for going?



What are you and Lena doing for Thanksgiving, moya solnishka?

Nov. 13th, 2014



So. I'm a girl and I really need to forget that for at least a few hours. Feel like going somewhere, anywhere? I'll let you drive.


I know everybody's a little freaked out right now but I'm here to tell you, don't worry. Body swap episodes never last longer than an episode. We're talking maybe ten more days tops give or take. Trust me, I've watched enough television to know. And before any of you sassy pants I worship you Ed get on my case I just want to point out one thing.


That is all.

Oct. 31st, 2014


Oh look, it's my favorite holiday.

Except not no more.

Private to Ed
I'm headed for one of the drop off sites to get some supplies. Don't worry. I'm mulching everything in my path. Ain't nothing gonna get near me if I have anything to say about it.

By the way... How good are you at making houses out of mostly rubble? I just feel bad taking up space at your place.

Oct. 28th, 2014


Private to Edward

Are you ready for another round of our game?

Private to Sam Wilson

I have a favor to ask of you, if we make it through this.

Private to Thalia

I trust you're thriving.

Private to Oliver

I should be very angry if you are not still alive.

Private to Tony

You still look handsome covered in zombie guts.

Oct. 15th, 2014


Private to Ed
They got into my house. About twenty or thirty of them.

So I burned it to the ground.

Oct. 12th, 2014


Dude, what's with the hologram and the crazies?


Private to Ed
You really think there are zombies out there?

Private to Seth
I need to ask you a question about superheroes.

Oct. 10th, 2014


Do not tempt fate. It is always a bad idea. Yeva would have a fit

Private to Peter R.
How are you feeling, Wolf Boy?

Private to Sam W.
I am sorry. I overheard about your friend.

Private to Oliver
Are you sick? Business as usual?

Private to Edward
I know you are out causing trouble. Do not try and deny.

Oct. 9th, 2014


I don't want anyone to be alarmed but I stayed up for 48 hours watching Romero and Romero inspired movies.

We may be in trouble. Superheroes assemble! Headshots and decapitation. I consider myself an expert so feel free to come and seek my expertise, preferably in costume. I'm Seth Cohen by the way.

ETA This message was meant for SUPERHEROES. If you're not super please don't pick up a gun and shoot people. Thank you!

Oct. 6th, 2014


So, I know that I'm new and everything. And that this ain't the South, but could it kill a couple people to show some respect around here? Especially when I'm trying to walk down the dang sidewalk? I got pushed so many times on the way to that coffee place that I opened a crack in the concrete I was black and blue by the time I got there.

People haven't got any manners?

Sep. 18th, 2014



Scott? Stiles?




What's going on? Why was I in a hospital? Did something happen? Am I just dreaming?

Is someone here? I need some help.

Sep. 7th, 2014


So I guess I'm actually expected to go to school here, right? And according to the date I'm suddenly about a month younger, unless I want to figure out and learn a new birthday. I don't even know what day it was.

Is there anyone else in high school? Do we all go to the same one, or does it depend where we live?

Karolina & Molly
You guys sound pretty happy where you are, but right now I'm not really cool with moving in with a bunch of strangers. I found an empty place at 2904 NW Raleigh St and magicked up a key, don't tell anyone it's not where I'm meant to be, okay? I'll be alright, it's been months since we ran away again for me. Chase even had a job. And I'm practically 17, and 17 is practically 18. Anyway, you can come visit whenever, but if Rogue's being good to you you should probably stay with her. We can reassess if that changes.

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