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Jun. 19th, 2014


Bar Fly has food, plenty of water and I've got people here who can help the injured. If you're doing search and rescue and need a safe-zone to use as base, do it.

Anyone with first aid or who wants to help protect the wounded, we could use your help.

Jun. 17th, 2014


Filtered to people from his home

Shit. Fuck shit. There's vampires. Presumably 'our' vampires based on how they were calling me a mutt and one of them asked me where my pet vampire was. I'm kind of hiding. I'm not leading them to Eve Any help? Please?

Jun. 15th, 2014


Emma. Her name is Emma. And she's perfect.

That said, given recent circumstances, if anyone happens to see a man going on about a mind palace who doesn't identify himself by the name Sherlock Holmes... please let me know.

I have a bullet with his name on it.

Jun. 13th, 2014


I'm not amused...


Bloody hell. I can't have one moment of peace.

Also, this tablet thing hates me.

May. 19th, 2014


Well that were right weird! One minute I was working, and then I was back at home watching telly. Then Holly was giving me the big speech and making sure I was okay.

May. 16th, 2014


It appears everyone living with me disappeared overnight.

Rather dodgy that this whole wormhole thing doesn't tend to give notice before evacuating your household. You know, even a note from the bloody hologram would've been polite.

Unless anyone else has seen Tom, Hal or Alex about?

May. 15th, 2014


So.. Tom is gone. I even dropped by their house and everyone is gone.

Apr. 29th, 2014


[Filtered against supernatural-type hunters]

Right, I did promise myself I'd never be one of those obnoxious parents who assume the world really gives a toss about their new baby and the fact it's vomited on three of their clean shirts in the space of one day, or those that feel the need to flood social media with images of their child.


I think I can be forgiven this one transgression.

ooc: image behind cut, to save phones/low bw )

This is Eve Sands, and she's about two weeks old now and really quite perfect. No pointed ears, no whiskers, no tail. She's healthy, tremendously loud when she wants to be and doing very well so far. Though, really she could've chosen some time other than the temporary return of the ice-age to arrive. Needless to say I'm rather glad the blizzard ended.

She's soothed by the sounds of Antiques Roadshow of all things. Oddly I think that has more to do with the male influence in this house.

Apr. 10th, 2014


[OOC: Dated to whenever dropped characters vanish. Sadface.]

Being the rather gregarious ghost girl that she is and in case her workmates see, has anyone seen Annie about? I'm having trouble getting in touch with her.

[Being Human]

I didn't see Annie this morning, anyone know where she's headed off to? I can't remember her mentioning that she had work. It just doesn't seem like her?


There's a girl who was born a werewolf here, her name's Ruby. Have you met her?

Apr. 6th, 2014


I think I finally understand what John Lennon meant when he said, "I am the walrus." The man was clearly 7 months pregnant at the time. This is precisely what a walrus feels like, I'm convinced of it.

This morning, I put on two different colored shoes. When did my feet disappear under me? I surely didn't give them permission to do so! My own body is deciding to play tricks on me, and I'll not have it, especially now that John isn't here to at least lend a helping hand.

Perhaps I should go bake cookies. That ought to lift my spirits some.

Now it's time for today's Possible Baby Name of the Day!

1) Lily Watson
2) Margaret Watson
3) Sara Watson
4) Joanna Watson

The voting begins now!

Mar. 31st, 2014



Right, so I haven't yet gone mental with the whole mad craving thing, save for a good portion of this week.

Chocolate digestives. They're wheat-type biscuits cookies, coated in chocolate on one side. If you've never eaten one, dipped until just a tad soggy with tea, you haven't lived. America, tell me you sell them somewhere?

Image )

At this point, I'd even settle for Hobnobs.

Mar. 24th, 2014


I know this is a weird question, but... nobody's gotten my wolf, have they? Or my kind of wolf?

I know some of you have been turned into werewolves, maybe some of you already were, but... they all sound like they work differently from mine. Anyway, I was just curious.

On another note, if anyone is feeling up to a little fun tonight, I could really stand to get out of the house do something to get out of this funk.

Mar. 14th, 2014


Private to Being Human folks

The strangest thing happened I had my first cup of tea in ages. I rather enjoyed it too.. How can this bloody be though?

Mar. 13th, 2014


[Private to Being Human folk.]

It's the full moon this weekend.

Tom. Perhaps you could help me with, you know ..giant murderous wolf control type situations. George sort of used to take care of that sort of thing back home; knowing how best to contain it. You've a lot more experience than me, especially here.

[Private to Annie]

I haven't ..really properly explored since I lost George, found out we're all dead arrived. I suppose there's a ..bit of preparation to do, if I'm really stuck here. Do you want to go out?

Feb. 22nd, 2014


Right, well that was an exercise in utter insanity. A polite beam of light telling me about- my world, rescue and Wormholes as if were all perfectly normal.

Have I really ..just been abducted by an holographic American? Because goodness knows my life wasn't mental enough, beforehand.