January 2015




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Jan. 1st, 2015



Hanna's gone.

Dec. 21st, 2014



Sorry for the kicking. Bad dreams.

Dec. 8th, 2014


Aria's gone. Just like that. I hate this place.

Nov. 26th, 2014


I have so many things to be grateful for this year. I never thought I would see a time that's so open minded about people and lifestyle choices. I am grateful to live in this world, even if it took me away from mine.

So here it is.

I'm gay.

And I'm an alien.

I don't care who knows it anymore.

Nov. 13th, 2014


Private to Hanna, Emily and Spencer
So, I know that Spencer and I are looking a bit more masculine than usual these days, but I'd really like it if we could get together and talk. As fun as it is to be Peter, I don't think I'm handling the change very well.

Private to Pete
Please tell me you haven't gone out without makeup. Hey, short stuff. :)

Nov. 10th, 2014



That's not me. That's Oliver Queen. We switched bodies. He's leaving now to come meet me but I wanted you to know what's going on. I see Aria switched too but maybe you could check on Han?

Oct. 29th, 2014



Hey, I just heard about Derek. Stupid question, but are you okay?


Derek's Friends/Family

Derek passed away early this morning. I'm sorry.

Oct. 24th, 2014


I'm home. Sorry I didn't write sooner but I.

Thanks to everyone who went out looking for me. My boss, he Everyone okay?

Oct. 17th, 2014


Has anyone seen Aria Montgomery in the last 24 hours?

Oct. 6th, 2014



I know what I have to do now.

Sep. 25th, 2014


Oh God, no. This can't be happening... Not here, please not here!

Private to Stiles

A is here.

Please don't come near me. I'm so sorry, but if A knows that we're friends, you might get hurt. And I swear I will never forgive myself if something happens to you. Please please please please please.

Sep. 18th, 2014


can't believe I'm doing this.

Hi. My name is Spencer. I'm a research analyst in the History Department at the University of Portland. Right now I'm working on an extensive project on the visitors in Portland. I'm mainly interested in the differences in world history from universe to universe and to find out more about what you are.

I would love to talk with anyone who's willing to share. We can talk in comments or in person. You can find me in The Meditation Room at The Grotto all day today.

Thanks for your time. I'm going to regret this

Sep. 12th, 2014


Private to Spencer, Hanna and Emily
Guys, Stiles says that they think it was vampires who killed those girls in the fire the other day. So please be really careful.

I'm out of vervain.

Spencer, where can I get more vervain? Guys, I'm really scared.

Sep. 2nd, 2014


So now that our clothes are back (yay!!!), I'm thinking of going to Karaoke Night at the Teardrop this Thursday. I've had a lot of time to practice the song I want to sing, so here's hoping I can pull it off Thursday night.

Anyone wanna go?

Aug. 31st, 2014


Private to Emily, Spencer and Hanna
I think this whole being naked and locked up in my room thing for the past few days is making me think way too much.

What does it mean when you can't stop thinking about someone? Like when the thought of being with him to gorge on doughnuts, play Skee Ball at Chuck E Cheese or just talk over the network with him gives me stomach butterflies? (Actually I think they're more like stomach eagles.)

I'm... a little freaked out. Not by him. Not at all by him. But by my reaction to him. I'm trying to, you know, do my own thing and figure everything out in this city on my own, but my thoughts always go back to him. It's like some weird magnet thing.

I haven't told him what I did yet back home. With Shana and everything. I think I really like him, and I'm afraid that if I tell him, he's going to think I'm some sort of psycho freak murderer and never have another M&M doughnut with me again. He's been really nice, and I don't know if this is my way of trying to get over Ezra or not, but... I just want to be with him, you know? Am I good enough for him?

This is really stupid of me, isn't it?

Aug. 25th, 2014


My clothes... Why did it have to be my clothes? I love my clothes. :(

Private to Spencer, Hanna and Emily
I'm not coming out of my room.

Aug. 20th, 2014


Thank God. I never want to deal with that pretty much ever again.

Aug. 12th, 2014


Aria, Emily and Hanna

I've been slipping vervain into your coffee every morning. I'm going to stop doing that now. You guys are big girls... sorry Aria, and can make your own decisions. I have plenty of vervain if you guys want to continue to use it and I have extras if you want to give some to Caleb and Ezra.

Aug. 7th, 2014


I swear.. my life keeps changing all the time. I wake up in what seems like a hospital.. and given things. I think I need to wake up from this crazy dream and go home now.

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