January 2015




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Sep. 8th, 2014


I have opened a school of etiquette in the city. After learning the standard currency here, I believe I have reasonably priced my sessions, open to both men and women. While speaking to a consultant, I was advised to create a website, something of which I have no knowledge of, in order to advertise my business more effectively. He also mentioned something about a face page? I wasn't exactly clear on that.

Is anyone willing to give me a hand with this? For as far advanced as technology is in the future, I can't seem to understand most things in this Earth-that-was time.

Thank you, kindly.

Aug. 19th, 2014


Something's not right here.

Aug. 17th, 2014


I never thought that I'd pray to angels with the expectation that they would respond.

And now that I do, I'm sad that they are no longer here to answer my prayers.

Aug. 11th, 2014



Aug. 4th, 2014


Filtered: Gadreel
I want to hear what happened since you fell in your own words. Here or at a bar. Buyer's choice.
Filtered: Inara Serra
Could we... get together and not talk. Possibly drink. Possibly after I find out other monstrosities.
Filtered: Dean Winchester
Heya Dean. Thought I'd check in on you and how that Mark's working out.
Anyone not gotten in trouble in a week yet?

Jul. 29th, 2014


So what's a bloke supposed to do when the girl of his dreams ain't in love with him?

Jul. 28th, 2014


Any ideas on how to stop my infant daughter from giggling at everything? I truly enjoy the sound, but it can get tiresome especially after hearing it for hours and for no apparent reason.

I've tried changing her diaper despite it not being soiled, giving her a feeding, warm bath, taking her outside, bringing her back in, rocking her, leaving her alone, hovering, just about everything I can think of... I may very well go quite mad frankly.


Private to Castiel:

Jul. 23rd, 2014


i've been kidnapped!

if you want money or jewels i'm sure it can be arranged

can anyone hear what i'm saying

can anyone read this?

where's all the snow

Jul. 21st, 2014


Private to Inara Serra
Made any wishes lately? Wishes are dangerous, twisty things. I'd hate to hear bad news about you. I have a limit to how much I'll save people, seeing as I do not have a savior complex.
It's like Pandora's Box every time.

Jul. 22nd, 2014


Well, I successfully wished to sell one of my paintings. Admittedly he's planning to burn it at a party as an example of everything that's wrong with modern art, but hey. Art's subjective.

You drink champagne?

Jul. 7th, 2014


Private to Gabriel:
I never got to properly thank you for helping me. I had not expected you at first, as you can imagine. I am so used to Castiel by now that it was almost a shock to me not to see him. However, I am very grateful to you for what you did for me. As with Castiel, I am also rather intrigued as to your nature and would love to learn more about you.

Please, how can I better thank you for your help? With the attacks on the city, I found myself quite busy and unable to contact you. I understand it that Dean is better and therefore Castiel's mind is less burdened now. Perhaps he will resume his regular visits, which begs the question...

Will I be seeing you again?

Jun. 29th, 2014


Private to Castiel:
Are you alright?

Jun. 14th, 2014



Someone please help.

Reavers are humans who have gone mad with rage, who fear nothing and feel no pain. They have lost all sense of humanity and will kill and hurt and inflict unimaginable pain on others. They are characterized by unhealed or partially healed abrasions on the body and tend to have pieces of human flesh sewn onto their clothes. They are extremely dangerous. Please be careful if you see one. I've seen several already.

May. 14th, 2014


As far as males go, I cannot say I am entirely unattractive. That said, I would prefer to feel more comfortable in my actual body. Will this place never leave us in peace? Is this the purpose for us being here? To be tormented regularly and to not know the extent of the torture to come until it is finally upon us?

This displeases me.

May. 11th, 2014


Is it terrible to say that I don't even remember my mother? I was pulled away from her at such an early age that even if I really try to think about her, I can't create an image of her in my mind. All I really remember are feelings, colors and shapeless memories. A view of the capital from my bedroom window. I often wonder where she could be, who she could be. It's silly but even as I walk the streets here in Portland, I find myself gazing at any woman that could be her age. Could she be my mother?

Anyway, I would like to wish all the mothers a wonderful day. I pray you have your children with you to celebrate.

Apr. 22nd, 2014


I have a job. After my assistance during the snowstorm I asked to be accepted as a more frequent volunteer, and the Portland Rescue Mission said yes. If you find yourself homeless, come see me.

Sam - I built shelves for all of the books so they didn't fill up the floor.

Dean - I see why you like your car.

Apr. 20th, 2014


Has anyone seen Jayne? I haven't heard from him in a while, and though I figure he is as free a spirit as any, I worry that something may have happened to him during the most recent storm. I also hope that no one was injured, though I do feel as if I may need some medicine for these cold symptoms I've developed since. What sort of medicine exists in this time if I may ask? I'm afraid my usual regimen of warm teas is simply not enough to keep me from coughing well into the night.

Apr. 14th, 2014


There's         in

                market but         a



Mar. 29th, 2014


I upset you. I think.

Are you human again?

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