January 2015




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Dec. 16th, 2014


Finally found the time to finish my Christmas decorations. Really missing Iris right about now Hope everyone enjoys it.

Dec. 11th, 2014


I can already hear the carnival food calling my name. Only good thing about carnival's even though not really sure if I trust this one, but I mean it's food. How much damage can be done with that? Probably a stupid question to ask.

Nov. 24th, 2014


Private to Jinks
We're going out!

Private to Sookie
I don't know how you can stand being a fairy. It was a pain in the ass.

Bryce Street Residents
Did anyone else see a cheetah running down the street?


Happy Birthday Clara! This year has been quite the most wonderful, strange and delightful of my exceedingly long life and most of that is down to sharing it with you. Have the most amazing day, my Impossible Clara. You deserve the very best of everything. Always.

Nov. 10th, 2014


[Private to Doug]
I'm a girl again. Did anything happen to you?

[Private to Sookie]
Where is the off button on the voices?

[Private to Jinks]
Are you still you or did you get picked on too?

Nov. 3rd, 2014


I don't suppose any of y'all have seen Susan, or Juliette? I was almost hoping that they'd been made into zombies so that they'd show up when it all got done with. It doesn't seem like it they're here after all.

[Private to Liv and Faith]
Is Hayley doing any better? I ain't gonna need a bodyguard any time soon, am I?

Oct. 18th, 2014


I hope nobody had any zombie friends on Edgecliff Rd since I just set a group of them on fire.

Oct. 10th, 2014


It's not really zombies, is it? I don't want to get eaten!

Oct. 9th, 2014


Sookie, Sam McP, Brooke, Dani
Hey, I'm Nico, I live at 2904 and I was thinking since they're recommending people stay home if they don't have to work I should probably buy a pile of groceries. You guys are basically my closest neighbours and Dani I know you have other shit to deal with so I figured I might as well see if any of you needed anything too, just to save trips or whatever. I've got magic so there's not really much of a limit on how much I can carry. I'll probably go first thing in the morning, so, just let me know.

Karolina, Molly
If any of us starts feeling sick we should make sure the others know, right?

Love you guys.

Sep. 22nd, 2014


You are cordially invited... )

Sep. 8th, 2014


I'm facing a rather peculiar dilemma. In considering dates for the reception, I find myself fearing the wrath of the wormhole. What if the date we choose happens to fall upon a day when the wormhole has decided to act up on us? I would hate to plan an event, make reservations and the like, only for people to be unable to attend. It's so difficult to predict when the wormhole will start to act up, otherwise I would plan around it. I was considering early October on the beach. Should be nice weather then at least. Unless the wormhole decides to strike, in which case, it would all be for naught.

I don't know what to do.

Aug. 25th, 2014


Private to T.J.

Hey... so... kinda naked here and I thought perhaps I might... if you don't mind... take the night off. or for as long as my clothes disappear


Well... this is quite unexpected, really. Changing your age is one thing, but stealing your clothes as well? Does anyone realize how difficult it is to carry around a quiver with no clothes on? It has been an off month, hasn't it?

Private to Friends (anyone she's talked to can assume they're friends with her)
So... I hope you won't be too upset with me, but...

I'm married!!!

Caspian and I decided that it would be easier to get married while we looked older, so that we wouldn't be questioned at all. And it actually worked like a charm. That being said, I still fully intend to have a reception, which if Sookie and Serena could be ever so kind as to continue helping me plan, I would be most grateful.

I will send out proper invitations soon, and I expect to see you all at the reception. Hopefully fully clothed...

Aug. 20th, 2014


Private to Liv

Is the girl on the network, Rebekah, the vampire you told me about?

Aug. 11th, 2014




Private to Susan and Caspian

Guys, I think I've found a way for y'all to get married.

I met a girl who knows a vampire who can help with the whole being underage thing and I've made kind of a deal with her to help you. So, all y'all need do is name a date and we can get this show going!

Aug. 1st, 2014


Somebody got a new car. Who wants to go for a ride?

[Private to David]

Hey! I'm so sorry that I've been a little MIA. Blair actually showed up in town so I've been trying to get her settled. How are you?

Jul. 28th, 2014


Private to Sookie and Serena:
Afternoons are good for me to go shopping. What's the best times for you? And... I hope you don't mind. I'll likely be smelling like a dog while trying on knickers and underthings. I work at an animal shelter, and I can't manage to get the smell out of my hair no matter how many times I wash it.

Also... Caspian and I may have a problem with the marriage. We're too young to marry in this state without legal guardians, of which we have none. I'm not exactly sure how to get around that.

Private to Caspian:
Shall we consider who we want to invite?

Also.... hi. :)

Jul. 14th, 2014


Private to Caspian:
I was researching marriage licenses in Portland and... I think we won't be allowed to get married here, because we're too young. What's most frustrating is that I wasn't always this young...

Anyway, it says that we need the written consent of our parents or guardians, and in the absence of such, we would need to have been living here for six months and provide an Affidavit stating these facts from a third party. I've only been here since March, and I don't even know if Holly registered us as residents of Portland. This is a bit maddening, and I'm about to march over to her and pose all these questions to her. I don't know what else to do!

And... since the shelter seems to be quiet lately, I've had time to jot down several questions that are pertinent to our... union sounds so posh. Nuptials? Eh... I know it's all sort of nitty gritty, but I think we definitely need to have this discussion sooner rather than later.

1. Do you have a last name? Is that a silly question? Would you mind if I kept mine? I'm not really sure if I actually want to, but I'm thinking about it.

2. After we obtain the license, we have 60 days to have the ceremony, in which, I think should be done at the Clerk's Office. I'm... not really religious enough to want a church wedding, nor do I really believe I should have one, though I still fully intend on wearing white. A church wedding is also far more expensive. At the ceremony, however, we need at least two people 18 or over to witness it. Who? I've always wanted my sister to be my Maid of Honor, but... she isn't here (nor is she over 18 but that seems irrelevant at this point). And I don't really have many friends, so...

3. In lieu of a reception, I would prefer to have a small get together with... anyone we might consider as friends here. We're on a bit of a tight budget as it is, but I believe a small party won't set us back too much. So, where should we hold the party? Who should we invite? I hear there are things called "DJs" that play music at parties. We should probably get one.

4. Bank accounts. Should we get a joint one? Should we add each others names to ours?

5. Honeymoon? It's not like we could go anywhere for more than 24 hours.

6. And finally... Where will we live?

This isn't too much, is it? I'm sort of bored and couldn't help but think of all this. Do you have any questions you might like to add? I have some other questions in mind, but those are more... of a personal nature.

Private to Girls Only
Supposing a girl is about to get married, and she honestly hasn't a clue as to what she's going to wear on her wedding night nor what she intends on doing for her new husband on said night, being of little to no experience in that department... what advice would you give her?

Jul. 12th, 2014


I am really loving my job here. I mean its not being on Broadway or anything, but it will do. I think I'm really going to enjoy this place.

Filtered to Finn
Can we meet somewhere and just talk? I have a few questions.

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