January 2015




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Jan. 1st, 2015



Okay, I'm coming back.

Are we doing anything tonight? Some of us are still young, you know.

Dec. 31st, 2014



What do you say to a quiet New Years in tonight? Just you and me?

Dec. 27th, 2014


Gene, Jack can see

You alright? We havent' seen you since you bailed on us at the pub. Did something happen?

Do we need to send a search party?

Dec. 22nd, 2014


Four days to finish your shopping.

Enzo, Doctor, Clara (visible to Jack and Martha)
Amy's gone.

Jack and Martha
And then there were three.

Dec. 15th, 2014


So with Christmas coming up, I thought that I'd see what everyone was doing.

Thus far our plan is to have a traditional UK Christmas. Which means if anyone wants to join us at the pub for Christmas Eve we'll be there most of the night. If anyone is interested, let me know. We'll probably be at Bar Fly as it's our new local.

[Jack, Ianto, Amy]
So I've invited one of my colleagues from work to spend Christmas Day with us. I'm sorry. I know I didn't ask first, but I didn't think that anyone would mind, and no one should be alone on Christmas. It's always been my mum's philosophy, and I believe she's right. Her name is Jo Wilson. We work together at the hospital. She's really nice.

Also, if no one else minds, I've taken a few days before Christmas off and I'd like to cook. So... any objections? Anyone else we want to invite? Believe me, these recipes make enough for a small army. Between Leo and my dad we had to feed one too!

Dec. 10th, 2014


Dr. Fell didn't come in for her shift this afternoon. Has anyone seen her?

I have a question for you. The hospital is looking for someone to dress up and walk about as Santa for the children in Pediatrics. Would you by any chance be interested?


[Private to Martha and Amy]
Alright ladies! So I've managed to get in touch with the Doctor. He said he's willing to come over to talk, but will bail out the moment Amy things gets hostile. I told him I'd check with the both of you, he's going to check with Clara, then we can sort out a date for us all to get together.

Sound good?



Am I allowed to say how over this week I am already without someone losing their shit?

Dec. 8th, 2014


Anyone who knew Sam, Adam, and Charlie... they're gone.


Private to Housemates
So I've got this theory. It's the Everyone-Ignore-Amy-And-Make-Her-Really-REALLY-Angry Theory.

Works like a charm really. Seeing as how it isn't too difficult to make me angry. Anyone else feeling ignored lately?

Private to Enzo
If there's a reason why you've been ignoring me, I'd like to know. Right now.

And if you ignore this too, then I will go find you at the Red Rooms.

And if I don't see you there, well.... let's just say I can take a hint.

Private to the Doctor and Clara
So when's the wedding? Am I invited? Or is it just easier to pretend I don't exist anymore?

Dec. 5th, 2014


Rose is gone.

Dec. 3rd, 2014


Thanks to everyone who came out for the non-Thanksgiving party last week at Bar Fly. The staff that manned the bar for us did a bang up job and everyone seemed to have a great time.

Everything okay? I know the hospital was keeping you busy and all during the zombie insanity, but you've just seemed sort of... I don't know. Distant lately? Like you're miles away?

Do you guys want me to get a tree or anything for Christmas? Tosh usually took care of that for the Hub. And I warn you now... I'm rubbish at picking out presents (Shut up Ianto!). So if you get a gift card, just enjoy it. I'll try to find actual gifts, but no promises.

Staff Christmas party on December 23rd. I'll leave it up to you guys if you want to do a small gift exchange or not.

We'll be closed on the following dates:
Christmas: December 24-27th
New Years: December 31 & Jan 1st


Private to Enzo
So I've got a wee bit of a conundrum here. It's December, and I'm just wondering... What on earth do you get a vampire who already has everything (or can get just about anything he wants) for Christmas? Hmmm... Or have you just been avoiding me for a reason?

Private to Friends
Hello. Amy Pond here. Terrible at getting gifts for people. So, if there be anything anyone out there would like to get for Christmas, speak now or forever hold your peace. And hold your tongues too when you get something you don't want, cause I warned ya!

Dec. 2nd, 2014


No one walks anywhere here except at school where you keep having to move classrooms. It's weird.

Nov. 21st, 2014


Katherine Pierce & Rebekah Mikaelson
Jack (Harkness) is looking to rent out a bar for a non-traditional Thanksgiving, and I figured I'd start with you two to keep it in the community. We can hire our own catering etc and I'd make sure it was left in the same condition it started, bearing in mind that pissing off vampires would be a bad life choice. Would this be possible?

Want to update Jack's wardrobe?

Just realised I'm moving in across the road from you.

We've got the event room at the Bar Fly as long as we don't destroy anything.

Nov. 19th, 2014


So I'll be dragging you to a get together in lieu of American Thanksgiving. Jack's hosting. We're renting out a pub or something. It'll be fun.

Did you find Sam?

How are you managing?


Seriously? Yeah, cause my week was boring enough already that we had to add somehow ending up in a different place to my list of things to deal with.

At least my magic was in check before this, whatever this is, happened or it would be bad. And Portland of all places? Was this because I was starting to be in a good place or something?



For anyone who's not celebrating Thanksgiving next week, who's interested in a pub night? I was thinking about renting out a place for the evening, getting some catering (or just pizza), and having an open get together for anyone who was interested.

Who's in?

And yes... this is open to everyone, including Americans who don't want to bother with Thanksgiving (or who have no plans).

Nov. 18th, 2014


Rose, Amy, Martha

Jack asked if I wanted to move in with you guys since my flatmate got married and then disappeared, and I wanted to see if you guys had an opinion before I decide.

If it helps, I do tech support, illicit cable channels and a halfway decent curry, I clean when I can't sleep, I almost always wear headphones when listening to annoying 90s Britpop, and I usually only make bombs in the kitchen when the city's under attack. And Jack and I have greatly reduced the number of shouting matches we have over stupid shit.

Nov. 12th, 2014


I assume you're still wanting BBC, right?

So I seem to recall you wanted to watch/make fun of Americans playing fake-rugby sometime. And possibly medical experiments.

Are you still you?

Are you a tree...?

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