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Aug. 11th, 2014


I forgot how long my hair used to be.

Private to Ezra
Hey... Raincheck on helping you get settled? Sorry, I sort of shrunk overnight. And yes, it is actually possible to be shorter than I usually am.

Anyway, about these things... apparently, weird things like these happen here all the time. This is the first time it's happened while I've been here, so... don't be freaked okay? I hope think they're usually temporary.

Private to Derek Wills and Karen Cartwright
I guess that workshop just wasn't meant to be for me. I've sort of regressed in age, so I doubt I'll be able to sing or perform up to standard. Thanks for giving me a chance though. Please let me know if you have another opportunity.

Aug. 10th, 2014


Those of you taking the musical theatre workshop: we begin Monday at 9AM. Be there by 8.50. If you saunter in at 9.01 thinking you'll get in, too bad. Equity standards for breaks and lunch (food won't be provided but there's ample time to get something if you don't pack your own lunch).

We'll end on Friday with a revue/showcase open to the public at 8PM.

There are fifteen participants at the moment, with the people from the [...] wormhole being Rachel Berry, Blaine Anderson, and Kurt Hummel, with Karen Cartwright as my assistant. If anyone else wants to enroll, this is your last chance.

Running this workshop is the only reason I'm not blackout drunk right now trying to click my heels back home.

Aug. 6th, 2014


Look, I know Jewberry Shortcake mentioned getting some karaoke going and it wasn't a bad idea. Mostly because I was already working on it before she tried to steal it from me, but whatever, that's not the point. The point is, we needs to get our karaoke on so we're gonna start doing it once a week (maybe more if it doesn't suck) at the Teardrop Lounge on Thursday nights. I might even let Berry host it with me, if I'm in a good mood.

Oh, and just a warning? If you suck? The Teardrop won't be held responsible if someone (probably me) throws things at you. Thank God there's alcohol, because that's the only way I'm gonna be able to deal with this.

Anyway, Thursday night, be there and before you ask, yes I'm gonna sing and yes, I accept tips. You're welcome.

Rainbow Dash, Lady Hummel, I expect you both there. No excuses. If I have to deal with this, so do you. Plus, you know, you guys don't suck, so the more the good people sing, the less things get thrown at the ones who suck.

Jul. 29th, 2014


All right. I'm jumping aboard this crazy train because apparently I don't have another option.

I've taken a job at the University of Portland. I'll be teaching a few drama courses, try and make the department something that might produce something worthwhile. And August 11-15, I'll be running a musical theatre intensive. Short notice, very little prep, down to basics, but it's right before classes start and I'd like to see if the students who are available have anything.

So. If any of you happen to be theatre students, there you go.


Jul. 28th, 2014


Wow, please never allow me to make a wish like that ever again. I'm sorry to anybody that saw me singing randomly and being over the top. I guess Broadway is meant for the stage and not for 24/7 of my life.

Filtered to Blaine
Now that I'm back to normal.....I really would like you to help me out with this. I want to do a Latin week like we did back in High School. And I want to do that song Feel This Moment for the kids. But, it could take a while to perfect it for them, so when are you free to practice?

Filtered to Finn
I'm sorry I lashed out at you. It was a stupid wish that I made, you must think I'm crazier than ever now. But, I have to ask, are you trying to avoid me? I have questions and wanted to see you. But, you insisted that I ask you over the phone. Why?

Filtered to GLEE Kids
So I think that we all need to get together sometime soon and have a little fun. Is there any place that has karaoke or a piano bar that we could all go to and just hang out? Maybe we could invite other people as well if you guys are interested.

Jul. 27th, 2014


I got here a couple days ago, so I thought it was time to introduce myself: I'm Karen Cartwright. I'm from the same place as Derek over here. I'm still wrapping my head around this whole thing, but I'll catch up eventually.

Nice to meet you all.

I went to look at the University they've got us working at. It's nice, and you might even like it if you went to look.

Sober or not sober?

Jul. 25th, 2014


Absolutely none of this is funny.

Does someone who's not a hologram want to explain things? I feel like I'm on an amusement park ride that I never paid fucking admission for.