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Dec. 31st, 2014


You know, being practically 2,000 years old, the concept of New Years still goes over my head.

However, I can't say it doesn't sound appealing.

Dec. 27th, 2014


It wasn't the best Christmas, but it wasn't bad either. I ordered Chinese takeout, and then went to go see Into The Woods. It was amazing! I was so happy I went and then I got the best Christmas gift, my gold star necklace. Just wish I hadn't spent Christmas alone.

Dec. 22nd, 2014


Four days to finish your shopping.

Enzo, Doctor, Clara (visible to Jack and Martha)
Amy's gone.

Jack and Martha
And then there were three.

Dec. 15th, 2014


So with Christmas coming up, I thought that I'd see what everyone was doing.

Thus far our plan is to have a traditional UK Christmas. Which means if anyone wants to join us at the pub for Christmas Eve we'll be there most of the night. If anyone is interested, let me know. We'll probably be at Bar Fly as it's our new local.

[Jack, Ianto, Amy]
So I've invited one of my colleagues from work to spend Christmas Day with us. I'm sorry. I know I didn't ask first, but I didn't think that anyone would mind, and no one should be alone on Christmas. It's always been my mum's philosophy, and I believe she's right. Her name is Jo Wilson. We work together at the hospital. She's really nice.

Also, if no one else minds, I've taken a few days before Christmas off and I'd like to cook. So... any objections? Anyone else we want to invite? Believe me, these recipes make enough for a small army. Between Leo and my dad we had to feed one too!

Dec. 4th, 2014


Of course this happens. The moment I feel safe and secure, I get pulled by a wormhole. Screw this.


