January 2015



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January 7th, 2015

[info]detectoroflies in [info]portland_net

Private to Ianto

Hey, I know we don't really know each other too well, but Claudia could use a few friends around at the moment. Tom, a guy she'd just started dating, got sent home and she's feeling a little blue. If you've got the time, I know she'd appreciate a call.

[info]enzovamp in [info]portland_net

Private to Damon

So, your brother got the motherlode, I see? He thinks I'm going to go after Robin.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net


Hey, you didn't mention you were getting closer with Tom. You okay? Want to get a drink/movie/blow something up/play Tekken?

BTW Claud's coming over, just a head's up her boyfriend's disappeared so if you're going to be doing anything weird and couply we can go in my room so it's not so in her face.

[info]idisi in [info]portland_net

Law enforcement (including Max and Mike)

I've pulled two interesting looking files from the death reports.

1/ Guy found dead on New Years Eve. ID says he's 28 years old, Shaun Daniel Douglas from Michigan. Forensics says no obvious cause of death but time of death at least two days prior, maybe more since decomp would be retarded in the cold. Low levels of alcohol, no recreational drugs, no obvious signs of trauma, no damage to heart or brain to suggest heart attack or stroke. Funny thing is, he checked into his hotel 4.15pm December 30 and one of the desk clerks thinks she saw him leaving the building the next morning.

2/ Woman found in an alley yesterday torn to pieces. Possible wild animal attack, but that far into an urban area seems a little suspicious. Coroners found high levels of drugs and alcohol in her system which would account for cause of death if the physical trauma didn't, but they say T.O.D and the time of the physical attack were pretty similar and won't say for sure whether it was pre or post mortem. They found animal hair at the scene that's still being analysed and they've got casts of the teeth and claws that suggest something like a wolf. No ID on the woman yet.

So we have one complete mystery and one possible wolf, possible werewolf, that may or may not be responsible for this woman's death but definitely got a meal out of it. Any takers? If no one claims it I'll take the wolf one. I'm familiar with wolves.