January 2015




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Jul. 22nd, 2014


How the fuck is 'I wish you would give me some chocolate' not a safe wish?

Jul. 12th, 2014


Bored bored bored bored bored. Who wants to go grab a drink?

Reading about that avalanche at Mt. Everest oddly makes me want to climb a mountain. I get winded walking up right flights of stairs. You'll find my perfectly preserved frozen body deep in some crevasse.


Oi. Just oi. That Holly reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on who.

I'm Donna. I'm just a temp, but I can type over 100 words a minute, so if you know anyone looking for a good secretary, point them my direction.


So, anywhere I can get a car without a license? I don't exactly carry it around with me.


How many actual young people are there here? Like, under 20ish? I don't really have any reason, I'm just wondering. It's sort of weird suddenly not being able to go to parents for anything. Even if you moved to a different city you could call them to get advice or something but this is more like they've died, without actually being dead.

Jul. 9th, 2014


Anyone know where I can get some decent french fries around here? Not fast food. The good stuff, at a place where they change the oil in the fryer more than once a week. I've had a bitch of a day and I need a pick me up.

EDIT: Screw the french fries. Which of you have the Winchesters pissed off?

Jul. 7th, 2014


This is an interesting place. They put us in this bland assigned housing that's barely above living in a motel room and give us $200 every week even after we get a job. If you've already filled your wardrobe you could fill your walls next. The Palazzo Sasso in Arlington Heights would be thrilled to help you with that.

Jul. 5th, 2014


Where's the nearest store? I've been walking for like, an hour, and I haven't found one. I need to smoke.


I think I went a LITTLE bit crazy with the snacks.

pictures )

Also there's red and blue jello and vanilla ice cream... well, French vanilla, because that was all they had, but I thought it was safer than trying to make white jello, anyway. But really there's heaps if anyone wants some. I just kind of felt like celebrating and in my family we mostly do it with food.

Jun. 30th, 2014


Very funny, guys. Y'all can turn off whatever new program you guys installed in the Danger Room because I'm not playing. A girl deserves a peaceful nap now and then.


Alright masses of 'Portland'. Tell me. Was Holo-bitch back there telling the truth about these so called wormholes? It would help explain why I'm not dead and on fire right now, but I can't say any of my considerable knowledge indicates that wormholes are anything more than a theoretical possibility, and I'm fairly certain you should never just take a holographic construct on its word.