January 2015




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Jan. 2nd, 2015


I must be a curse to this place. It seems like everyone around me that I'm close to suddenly leaves......


Has anyone seen any remains or leftovers from the carnival since since it disappeared? I'm going to guess no.

Dec. 27th, 2014


Hello? Can someone please help me? This isn't my Portland and I need to get back home.


It wasn't the best Christmas, but it wasn't bad either. I ordered Chinese takeout, and then went to go see Into The Woods. It was amazing! I was so happy I went and then I got the best Christmas gift, my gold star necklace. Just wish I hadn't spent Christmas alone.

Dec. 21st, 2014


Spending time in jail really got me thinking....I will NOT be going back to that carnival again. I've learned my lesson and will not get sucked into an addiction of playing games. So I need distractions for after work. Anybody that wants to do anything with me besides going to that carnival let me know. I don't want to be tempted again.

Dec. 18th, 2014


Phone Call to Finn

Phone call to Finn Hudson

Ring! Ring!

(ooc: After she got arrested, Finn was her one phone call...)

Dec. 13th, 2014


This carnival is amazing, especially this one game where you try to get the rings to go around the bottles. I haven't gotten one yet, but I'm going to keep on trying. I'm a person to never give up.


I guess the wormhole didn't want to keep my sister around since I woke up and all her stuff was gone along with her. I think I might go keep myself busy at work or maybe check out the stupid carnival.

Dec. 8th, 2014


Ruby's gone again. Seems to be a lot of that going around lately.


Why signing is better: you can talk to your cat. Or more importantly, your cat can talk to you.

Dec. 7th, 2014


Finally all the creepiness of my ex is gone. Filed a restraining order and now I can get back to preparing for the musical and not worrying about getting gifts and mixed CD's and all that stuff. But before I go and do some rehearsing, I need some coffee.

Nov. 29th, 2014



Here's a little something to shake off those turkey comas. Atomic County Issue #2: The Crime of Fashion.

This is one of my favorite all-time issues of Atomic County because it stars Lil Miss Vixen. And everyone know she's the cutest superhero around.

Under the cut )

Nov. 22nd, 2014


I'm pretty sure I either have a stalker or a secret admirer. I don't need or want this because Im still going through my emotions of Sam leaving. The flowers are nice but not necessary. I just wish people would leave me alone.

Nov. 19th, 2014


He's......he's gone. Sam's gone and before I can even tell him that I care about him and quite possibly love him. Why didn't I say it sooner? And I was going to cook a nice thanksgiving meal for us too. Now it will be just down to one instead of two.

(Ooc: wasn't sure since the character dropped if she would go back to normal or not...since dams gone and can't swap or anything...lol let me know if I have to change the icon though if I'm mistaken)

Nov. 15th, 2014


I can't handle waking up like this. I mean come on, this is a little awkward. Sam you better be not eating Cheeseburgers and stuffing your face withe sugary things. My body likes Vegan items, nothing with Dairy and NO MEAT!!

Oh man, every morning I think I'm waking up being me and instead I'm this. But, I guess it could be a lot worse.

Nov. 3rd, 2014


Private Messages to Finn and Sam

Private to Sam


Private to Finn


Nov. 1st, 2014


Wait......I died! I swear it, I had the fever and felt cold. And now I'm not? Okay well, this is probably a second chance......or it's this place again. Either way, I'm alive!

Now where can I find a one Sam Evans.....I have some things to tell him.

Oct. 13th, 2014


Private to Finn, Sam Evans, Dani and Santana

Private to Finn

I called in for a doctor to come see me. He told me that I don't have that much longer. Apparently the infection from the bite mark is spreading fairly quickly. I just want you to know, that even though we aren't together, you have always been my muse and I will never stop loving you. I'm just saying my goodbyes right now.

Private to Sam

Hi....I know that I should have told you this sooner. But I didn't want you freaking out and then being miserable for a while because I don't want you remembering me this way and remembering me from a much happier time and my smile. I got bit and got the infection and I'm at home, I had a doctor come over to look me over and I don't have very much longer. I was looking forward to our NYC trip. So I guess this goodbye from me.

Dani and Santana
Figured that I would just send this to the both of you. I wanted to say that you guys make such a cute couple and I'm so happy you guys are married. You guys are going to live a long and happy life with one another. I wish I could say the same, but I can't. I'm sending you my goodbyes. I don't have that much time left before I die. I got bit at rehearsal and the infection is spreading through me pretty quickly, couldn't make it to the hospital and I had a doctor check on me at home. I'm making myself comfortable until my last breath. So goodbye girls.

Oct. 10th, 2014


Filtered to Rachel, Sam Evans, Dani, Hanna and Hanna's friends

Is everyone doing okay? Nobody's gotten close to any of those zombie people, right?

Oct. 8th, 2014


High school students, or, well, anyone really: if you don't feel 100%, just stay home. You have my official permission as a medical professional. I guarantee you're not going to miss learning the meaning of life or anything and you can lounge around in bed all day. Win win!

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