January 2015




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Jan. 3rd, 2015


Did everyone survive the festive hangovers?

Private to Bucky
How are you feeling? Any better?

Dec. 13th, 2014


Private to Nat, Steve, and Peggy

Did any of you wake up with new memories?

Dec. 1st, 2014


Natasha & Bobbi

So what's Clint's deal, then? As a person, I mean, not the classified parts.

Nov. 30th, 2014


Well, this is new.

This is very new.

Hilariously enough I'm not that surprised at holes in the sky opening up and giving people field trips.

Just as long as there aren't any psychotic primordial Gods here I think we'll be good.

Nov. 27th, 2014



I don't suppose I could borrow a key to the Academy? After the last couple of months, I'd like to use the downtime tomorrow to work on getting back into shape.

Nov. 26th, 2014


Private to House Hammond

Hey T.J., do you and Doug have plans for Thanksgiving? If not, get your sorry asses over to our place. Bucky, Peggy and I are doing the works and your Sig-Os are more than welcome, along with any other stragglers you have that need a turkey fix.

Nov. 24th, 2014


I am so glad that the torture is over with. I never want to be a woman ever again.

Nov. 19th, 2014


Private to Natasha and Peggy

What's going on for Thanksgiving? Or we actually doing something or are we going to pretend it's just another day. I'm okay with either option.


Can't wait for this one. It's going to be my new favorite holiday movie since Gremlins.



[Molly, Karolina, Krissy]
Thanksgiving is soon and I want to cook a nice big dinner for y'all and you're more than welcome to invite any friends y'all would like to join us. I also had a few people in mind that I'd like to invite too. That sound alright?

Hey, sugar, how're you holding up?


I don't know if y'all have plans with Liv for Thanksgiving, but if you don't, I'd love to have you both join us.

I'm having Thanksgiving over at my house and of course you're invited, sugar.

Do y'all have any plans yet for Thanksgiving? I'm having it at my place and you and Bucky are definitely invited to come over and join us.

Nov. 11th, 2014


Private to Steve

So, you in Tony's body? How are you doing with that?

Nov. 10th, 2014


This is not how I imagined starting my day.

Nov. 6th, 2014


Coulson? May? Skye?

And here I thought nothing could surprise me anymore.

So. Alternate reality, wormholes, zombies. Am I missing anything else?


[Private to Steve]
What's wrong, Steve? This is your home now!

[Private to Bucky]
Seriously, what the fuck?

[Private to Peggy]
You okay?

Nov. 3rd, 2014


Steve, Peggy, Bucky, Natasha
I think I used all your hot water, sorry. I feel so

Do you feel as all-around awful as I do right now?

Are you alright?

Oct. 23rd, 2014


Private to Nat, Steve, and Peggy

I'm going to the drop. Does anyone need anything?

Oct. 17th, 2014


[Molly, Krissy, Karolina, Faith, Tony, Natasha]
I'm going out of town to get supplies, and I'll be dropping off food at our places. If y'all need anything else, let me know and I'll pick it up.

I'll drop some off where you're staying too, sugar.

[Peter Petrelli]
How're y'all doing?

Oct. 10th, 2014


Private to Marvel (Minus Ward) + Ianto

Don't trust Grant Ward. He's HYDRA.

Oct. 6th, 2014


Steve's Friends

Steve was supposed to meet me tonight and he hasn't shown up or answered any of my calls or texts. It isn't like him, have any of y'all seen him? I can't deal with him missing on top of Molly being with some stranger

I got word Steve is at the hospital.


Private to Rogue


I'm sorry I've not checked in on you sooner. Things have been crazy at work, which isn't nearly as good an excuse as it ought to be under the circumstances.

How are you holding up?

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