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Dec. 4th, 2014


TVD (minus Kol), Teen Wolf & Whoreos

I know we're all displaced and homesick so I thought maybe Caroline and I could host a Christmas party on Christmas Eve. Who's up for a little egg nog with their rum?

Nov. 27th, 2014


Private to Elijah, Niklaus and Hayley
Well, oh wise brothers of mine, what shall we do now?

Personally, I'm inclined toward killing his "dark queen".

Private to Santana
I've leased a flat not far from here in Dani's name. I would like you to stay there for the time being. And while I don't begrudge you your little games, you need to start her on vervain again. Immediately.

I will be sending another houseguest along as well.

Private to Matt
I have a favor to ask of you.

Nov. 21st, 2014


Private to Cassie Blake
So, my friends are planning this really annoying Thanksgiving dinner that I was hoping to bail on. Except I actually value my life, so I was wondering if you wanted to come for a little while as my date.

Which, you totally don't have to, but I think it would make dinner actually bearable for me if you were there.

Private to Matt and Ty
Who's up for standing in line and beating up people in the crowd after Thanksgiving dinner?

Also... can we move? There's about only so much I can take of Caroline these days.


Thanksgiving and food is awesome. But there's also a "go to all the bars possible the night before Thanksgiving" tradition.

So... Teardrop? Wednesday night? Anyone in?

[elena/bonnie/matt/jeremy/tyler/alaric/meredith/if they've met and she hasn't expressed wanting to punch them in the throat they're on this list too]

Okay so...

Thursday. There will be turkey, three kinds of potatoes, two kinds of stuffing, cranberry sauce, lots of veggies, homemade bread, five different pies, wine, and a flight of bloods.

If there's any special requests, please tell me before Thursday morning? K? Thanks.

Bring whoever you want. If there's someone who just doesn't have plans that you know bring them too. And, yeah, go ahead and bring your dates and stuff. Even if you only have time to just stop by for an hour or something. Unless it's going to end in a blood bath. I don't have enough Shout for that kind of thing. And if anyone gets blood on my cornucopia, I'm going to be annoyed.

Nov. 19th, 2014


Private to Hanna
You guys doing okay, babe?

Private to Matt
How's everything going, man?

Oct. 12th, 2014


So, with both Rebekah and Santana MIA I've decided to close off The Teardrop to its regular business and convert it into a makeshift shelter until further notice. Basically, it'll be a hub for anyone who needs help, food or just a safe place to hide out from the craziness that's going on outside. I'm gonna need some volunteers to help me keep this place stocked as well as safe. That includes anyone with medical expertise. I'm not sure how impervious I am to the virus. Roy and Matt, you're not obligated to stay, but any help you could provide will be much appreciated.

And if anyone could get a hold of Rebekah for me, that would be great too.

Private to Rebekah
I just want to know that you're safe, sis.

Oct. 10th, 2014


I'm sorry.

Note: Bonnie's replies at this point are hours later after this initial network post.

Sep. 22nd, 2014


Private to Matt Donovan

I've taken you off the schedule for Thursday evening.

Sep. 10th, 2014


Private to Mystic Falls
Anyone have anything to explain to me about a sorority house fire last night?

Added later...
Private to Hunters
So I know everyone's sort of dealing with what happened at the university, but we've also got an issue with this immortal named Silas. He's a major douchebag, who's impersonating Stefan and definitely trying to stir up some shit here in this city. He really is immortal, and he really can't be killed or hurt. But, he has been stopped before.

There's something called the Cure, which can turn him back into a human (well, a witch), and he can be killed. But we don't have it. Magic can also immobilize him but still not kill him. The third way is by using dopplegangers, and there's no way I'm letting that happen unless it's to Katherine. If anyone in interested, I can give you the whole history on him. He killed me once, and he's been causing grief for a while now. So if anyone's got any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them out.

Private to Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and Damon
Meeting of the minds tonight at 8 in our living room? Discussion topics include: how to save Stefan and how the hell to shut Silas up in a coffin and keep him there for the next twelve eternities. Everyone in?

Aug. 23rd, 2014


What the hell, seriously?

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Private to Elena, Bonnie & Matt

Okay, so I know you're all just settling in and getting used to how weird this place is.

But Elena and I were planning a house party blowout before she disappeared. ...The other Elena. Even though you're both Elena. You know what I mean.

So... party? I think it'll be a good way to meet people and get a better feel of this place. I still feel like I don't know as much as I should about the people who live around here and I've been here over a month.

You guys are probably... overwhelmed.

Aug. 21st, 2014


Well, I'm certainly not going to complain. Hello, Portland, Oregon.

Aug. 20th, 2014


What's going on? Did I...did I bring myself here? There is no way I can believe in wormholes...

Did Expression do this?

Is there anyone here?

Aug. 15th, 2014


Mystic Falls/ Originals

The wormhole apparently has taken a great amount of people back. Are you all still here?

[Robin & Serena & Santana]

Are you all still here?

Aug. 12th, 2014


Private to Matt Donovan

Hello, love. How are you settling in?

Aug. 8th, 2014


You know, I'm not even gonna bother with being surprised anymore.