January 2015




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Jul. 5th, 2014


Where's the nearest store? I've been walking for like, an hour, and I haven't found one. I need to smoke.

Jun. 30th, 2014


Very funny, guys. Y'all can turn off whatever new program you guys installed in the Danger Room because I'm not playing. A girl deserves a peaceful nap now and then.

Jun. 29th, 2014


I feel like I ought to be thrilled that everything's over, but... I'm not. Every time I look outside I see the damage in the street and it makes me think of all the terrible things that happened and I want to cry.

I think all rulers should have to see the consequences of their wars, first hand. What happens to the soldiers they raise up or hire, or the people in villages that are attacked and who work the fields that are burned. I wish I at least knew that when I went home I'd remember this so I'd really know the full sacrifice that other people would be making for my decisions. Maybe then I'd know it meant something.

Jun. 28th, 2014


Since it seems pretty safe outside I am finally home! The house is very empty without Caroline but I'm glad to be home.  One more thing I found something I have really missed just laying there on the ground waiting for me! Today was a good day. 

Jun. 27th, 2014


Private to people that knew Caroline and Lexi
Lexi's gone again. And I've been trying to call Caroline, but her phone was out of service. I went by her house and all of her things are gone, like she was never here.

Jun. 19th, 2014


Bar Fly has food, plenty of water and I've got people here who can help the injured. If you're doing search and rescue and need a safe-zone to use as base, do it.

Anyone with first aid or who wants to help protect the wounded, we could use your help.

Jun. 18th, 2014


Friends (if you think it's you it probably is)
Is everyone alright? I feel entirely useless. The most I can offer is basic first aid, and even then I only have so many supplies. It sounds like the hospitals are severely over-taxed though, so maybe if I could get more it would still be worthwhile for those who only have minor injuries.

Jun. 15th, 2014


Emma. Her name is Emma. And she's perfect.

That said, given recent circumstances, if anyone happens to see a man going on about a mind palace who doesn't identify himself by the name Sherlock Holmes... please let me know.

I have a bullet with his name on it.

Jun. 14th, 2014


Private to Elena
Helping out people at the Teardrop. Stay safe, okay?

Private to Ruby
You doing okay out there?

Private to Aurora
Let me know if you need any help with all that's going on. Not about to lose my play going partner in all of this mess.

Jun. 10th, 2014


This city is rough in a way I do not understand and everyone in it moves far too fast. I find I already do not like it. To have the calming presence of my home once more is all I dare hope for on this long night. I beseech you, denizens of this Land of Port, how may I return to it?

Jun. 7th, 2014


What villainy is this!

Jun. 6th, 2014


I think my lack of sleep lately is starting to catch up with me. I foresee an awful lot of sweet tea in my near future and hopefully I'll be less tired tomorrow. I'm planning to see some of the theatre playing during the Rose Festival and it's difficult to enjoy when you're struggling not to fall asleep.

Welcome to all the recent arrivals. My name is Aurora.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


I have a job in a shop! Selling clothes! It's so menial interesting, I've never had a job before. Normally children are brought up to perform the same trade as their parents, or become an apprentice to someone else. Often the same family that runs the production of something would also sell it, though of course we have traders and merchants as well. But here it seems as though food is the only thing that's ever made where it's sold, and even then only occasionally. I walked past a shop today that advertised that they made their own bread!

May. 29th, 2014


Am I too late for the selfie photograph trend?

Is that alright?


Hello Portland!!

May. 27th, 2014


I've been in some strange places but I think this one has to top them all. I'm Oliver Queen and can someone explain to me what is going on here?


I accidentally burped in public today, and no one cared. BEING A BOY ROCKS!!!!

Tell me all your experiences with being a different gender.


There's a faire at the waterfront! I found it yesterday while I was exploring. It is very crowded (but people who are used to these cities might not think so, I have never seen so many people in one place!) but there were so many stalls and a little room full of butterflies. I think today is the last day to see the butterflies, which is a pity. I'd go back often if I could, it was amazing. I will have to go back again anyway, because there were so many foods being sold that I've never heard of and apparently later on they are to have exotic animals on display as well.

There was something that confused me though. I overheard two people talking about princesses and a coronation ceremony. I was told that there was no nobility here. Is a foreign court on tour?

May. 26th, 2014


Hello, my name is Wanderer, but I prefer to be called Wanda. I apologize for not introducing myself sooner over the network. My arrival here confused me greatly.

If anyone is interested, I will be giving courses at the university on the histories of various worlds and species. I also welcome any and all discussions as to the different types of species that exist here, many of which I myself have never encountered nor even heard of during my travels. I am very curious and would like to learn as much as I can please.

Thank you.

May. 22nd, 2014


I have to admit, part of me was almost expecting to wake up back in my own body today. It's been a week and it would have been a nice piece of symmetry. I suppose it was a bit futile, there's no reason seven days should be a particularly significant period of time and most of the curses I've come across have been measured in months or years, cycles of the moon and sun, or open-ended. Broken by true love's kiss. Given that my true love is dead in another realm, that would be a very unfortunate condition.

Still, we must be another day closer to it wearing off. In the meantime I've been doing a lot of walking around, watching people, learning where things are. It's something to pass the time, at least.

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