January 2015




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Dec. 22nd, 2014


Four days to finish your shopping.

Enzo, Doctor, Clara (visible to Jack and Martha)
Amy's gone.

Jack and Martha
And then there were three.

Dec. 8th, 2014


For anyone who was friends with or knew Andy or Ritchie, they're gone.

Dec. 5th, 2014


Private to Ritchie
You ready for tomorrow?

Private to Selene
Just wanted you to know that Ritchie was able to get everything he needed for the full moon, so we're going to head out of town tomorrow afternoon.

Private to Cora
Got any weird pre-full moon traditions?



Nov. 26th, 2014


I have so many things to be grateful for this year. I never thought I would see a time that's so open minded about people and lifestyle choices. I am grateful to live in this world, even if it took me away from mine.

So here it is.

I'm gay.

And I'm an alien.

I don't care who knows it anymore.

Nov. 19th, 2014


Can't wait for this one. It's going to be my new favorite holiday movie since Gremlins.



It's weird to think how this is the first Thanksgiving where I'm not having to cook for a huge family or wondering if during the meal something bad and crazy would end up happening. Not really sure how I feel about that.


Don't forget to be on the lookout for evil elves.

Nov. 17th, 2014



I would like to do a big Thanksgiving this year. Who's in? Cora and Derek, you have no choice.

Private to Scott McCall

Hello, Scott. I apologize for not reaching out earlier. But I would like to formerly invite you and your pack over for Thanksgiving dinner.

Nov. 7th, 2014


This week at the Underground, Halloween is extended.

Come and get your kicks and drink the things that go bump in the night.

Half price from 6 to 7!

Nov. 3rd, 2014



What the hell is THIS? And where's my Dicta-quill?


Private to Karolina




'Eventful' definitely doesn't even begin to cover this place.

Private to Cora, Braeden, Viktoria
Last month was difficult to say the least, so I think you're all entitled to time off from the agency if you wish to take it. This week the city will be busy with the clean up, and I'll be busy as the Arrow and most likely won't be in the office so consider it a paid vacation. If you need more than a week, that's fine as well.

Private to Team Arrow
I'm closing down the agency for the week, but I'll still be out doing my extracurricular activities. I have to. I killed those people that could have gotten the cure, it If you need anything, let me know.

Private to Molly and Thea (separately)
I hope you're okay.

Oct. 29th, 2014



What happened? Where are you? Are you somewhere safe? Are you okay?

Oct. 28th, 2014


Private to Derek

Hey, dork. Why aren't you out here slaying zombies with me? Don't tell me you got scared.

Private to Liv

You're lucky I love you.

Private to Elijah

You can come back again. I'm still undecided on your brother.

Private to Molly

Been keeping yourself busy?

Private to Rogue

How's things next door?

Private to Enzo

I'm calling out sick. Don't die, k? Feed Damon to the zombies if you get desperate.

Private to Cora

Tell your sister not to be surprised if I'm standing outside. Derek asked me to keep an eye on you two.

Oct. 27th, 2014


Private to Cora


Oct. 20th, 2014


Trapped with Tom.

Battery is about to die.

Oct. 17th, 2014


Private to Molly, Nico, Chase and Krissy

I'm moving back home. I think I'm getting the hang of this transformation thing.

Private to Cora and Derek

You guys have a lot going on and I think it's time I went home. Thank you so much for everything.

Oct. 14th, 2014


It's like someone opened the fucking door to Halloween Town out there, but Jack hasn't shown up to set everyone straight yet. Does this mean there's gonna be a bunch of evil elves running around in December?

Yes, before someone starts bitching at me, I know I could've just jinxed us, but I knocked on wood first.

Oct. 13th, 2014


I should probably catch up on homework since school is cancelled. Can anyone help me find information about Christopher Columbus? I've never even heard of him, and I have to write a paper about him.

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