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March 14th, 2014

[info]bornunder in [info]portland_net

[ Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, & Stefan Salvatore; Dean & Cas can also read/respond ]
Here's the thing. You're a family, or at least a connected group, of vampires. We're a team of hunters, and you've officially got our attention.

This is your one warning to stop everything you've been doing, and live without hurting anyone in any way, shape, or form. We can and will take down anyone or anything that poses a danger, even indirectly, to anyone in this city -- and anywhere in this world that any of us can access, for that matter. For us, at least, that's anywhere and everywhere.

I'm not going to repeat myself, or hand out second chances. Technically, this is a second chance, because the first was the chance to live and let live without anyone having to tell you, and at least one of you already blew it. That's already more chances than we usually give, and it's only because these are unusual circumstances. But if any of you are going to try to start a bloodbath in this world, then trust me, we will be the ones to finish it.

Everyone can be safe, including you-- or you endanger yourselves by endangering others. That's the way this works. Feel free to spread the word to anyone else you know who might need to hear it.

[info]apowerfulwitch in [info]portland_net

Private to Harry

You haven't done any major spells lately, have you?

[info]makestea in [info]portland_net

Private to Being Human folks

The strangest thing happened I had my first cup of tea in ages. I rather enjoyed it too.. How can this bloody be though?

[info]gentlepevensie in [info]portland_net


Please send help.

Susan Pevensie.

Very lost.

Using tablet apparatus to send telegram.

Sending message to Peter Pevensie, Edmund Pevensie, Lucy Pevensie or King Caspian.

All is well but very lost.

Not in Narnia.

Peculiar outfits here.

That is all.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

Private to Damon + Caroline

Something's wrong.

Private to Davina
Hey, have you done any spells lately that have the potential to backfire and make a vampire a human?

[info]badwolftyler in [info]portland_net

[Private to the Whovian House]
So... I'm feeling a bit strange, but I'm not sure what to attribute this too. Lots of energy for one, not necessarily a bad thing really just... I can usually keep up with the kids in gymnastics, but today it was like they were running after me instead of me after them. Also, my senses are all wonky. For example, when I woke up this morning, I could see almost perfectly even though my shades were down and it was still dark. And I could swear that I heard a cat talking to me. Which was probably the strangest thing to happen to me today.

Honestly, I've got a bit of a headache too. I think I'll take an aspirin and get to bed. Night, mates.