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March 15th, 2014

[info]buffythevampire in [info]portland_net

Private to Stefan
Something very strange is happening.

Private to Niklaus
Please do not aggravate these hunters, Nik. The last thing we need right now is another incident.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net



[info]rubyrides in [info]portland_net

Oh no. I think I'm going deaf. And... what's the word for when you can't smell anything? Is there a word for that? I can't hear hardly anything. And I could barely smell my food when it was right in front of me.

Is this what human normal people's senses are normally like? How do you live like this?

[ bruce, barry, blaine, amy** ]
I think I'm

I think the wolf

This is freaking me out

** plus anyone else I've forgotten who knows about the wolf; kurt, finn, or shawn can assume that they've been told if you want, or we can play out her telling them now-ish, either way!

[info]pondoflife in [info]portland_net

[Private to Enzo]
So....... random, ordinary, regular question.... Being a vampire... What's that like exactly?

[Private to Sam]
Don't be alarmed or anything, but... we might have a problem.

Added later...
[Private to the Whovian House]

So I'm going on a bit of a holiday. Don't come looking for me. I'll be fine. If I don't come back I love you all except for Rose and thanks for the cupcakes.

[info]pierce_kat in [info]portland_net

Something seriously weird is going on here. I just can't be this lucky!

[info]bornunder in [info]portland_net

If anyone else is having difficulties, symptoms of... new senses or other physiological differences, I can help. We can figure out what's happening to you, and find a way to manage it.

[ dean, cas, charlie, adam ]
Anyone else noticing that we've got a situation on our hands? Any theories?

Maybe we should talk to the other hunters about it. Based on the vampire thing, we should get to know them better anyway.

[info]byanangel in [info]portland_net

Sam, Castiel, Hayley, Carlton

Something is seriously wrong. Every time I step into sunlight I get burned. Blistered and burned. And I'm so hungry.

[info]coyotebound in [info]portland_net

Everybody smells different.

[info]idontwantpeace in [info]portland_net

I hate this damn place So, add me to the crazy that's going on around here. I just teleported from one room to the next...

[info]killedtwice in [info]portland_net

The thing is... I found this strange stick or maybe its a wand... That's when all these weird things started happening!

[info]agelessbeauty in [info]portland_net

At first I thought I was going the human route because I got that heartbeat going and breathing and stuff. My skin feels like its on fire and my eyes flashed yellow when I was pissed off at...it really doesn't matter why I was annoyed.

I'm guessing werewolf.

And tomorrow is the full moon.

So does anyone know of where I could get some really strong chains? This is going to suck

[info]shehowls in [info]portland_net


I can't believe I'm doing this.

I need a favor.

[info]boltofbarry in [info]portland_net

Hi, everyone. I'm Barry.

So, in the spirit of organization just to make sure everyone gets the type of help they require, I propose starting a list of people who have certain symptoms and what their official diagnosis may be. Here's a start:

Table Here )

Something like that? If you could reply to this with the information required, maybe you could get the right kind of help for your particular situation.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation. I don't know if this will help, but I feel like I have to do something.

Also... if you don't feel anything new or have somehow lost certain abilities, you don't have to comment if you don't want to. No one is really required to comment. It's mostly if you feel that you need help.

[info]hybrid_king in [info]portland_net

[Private to Elijah]

I'll be joining you soon, brother. I've heard of the latest developments and thought you could use a hand.

[Private to Stefan]

I hear Ripper is finally a real boy. Rather amusing, isn't it?


[Private to Letha Godfrey]

Hayley has asked me to reach out to you to assist you with a rather delicate situation you've found yourself in. Where are you?

[info]killedtwice in [info]portland_net

Private to anyone with knowledge of magic

I've never spoken to anyone who knows anything about magic. But a wand showed up in my house and every time I've tried to get rid of it reappears. Also some really strange things have been happening and they are all things that I can't logically explain. If any of you have any knowledge of what is happening please contact me asap.

[info]ray_of_light in [info]portland_net

I do hope that I'm not invisible and that all those people today at the supermarket were simply being rude.

There is also a distinct inability to eat or drink anything. Am I an Angel?