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March 13th, 2014

[info]thgreateststar in [info]portland_net

Sometimes I have a jones for caffeine, and sometimes I don't. Today I had a need. I couldn't sleep last night.

[info]little_bullet in [info]portland_net

[Private to Being Human folk.]

It's the full moon this weekend.

Tom. Perhaps you could help me with, you know ..giant murderous wolf control type situations. George sort of used to take care of that sort of thing back home; knowing how best to contain it. You've a lot more experience than me, especially here.

[Private to Annie]

I haven't ..really properly explored since I lost George, found out we're all dead arrived. I suppose there's a ..bit of preparation to do, if I'm really stuck here. Do you want to go out?

[info]shawnspenstar in [info]portland_net

Who gets to be a consultant for the Portland PD? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

[info]rollinitiative in [info]portland_net


A couple years ago I would have thought I was on a Red Bull high and went nuts but now I wake up in an alternate-reality Portland with a hologram face all up in my face and my first thought is, "man, and here I was gonna score with Dorothy on the yellow brick road." Clamjammed by a wormhole :( Also, totally taken off my quest. Uncool, portal.

Five minutes before a Winchester shows up, starting... now.

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

[Private to Berry and Lady Hummel]

Listen up, slaves, I'm in charge all weekend and you know what that means? You bitches better not even think about being late.

[Private to Q]

Wanna come hang out at the bar since I'm stuck there all weekend?