The Last Station

July 2014


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June 30th, 2014



Journal: Maxwell

Nathan is getting so tall and I hope I can keep up with him in the long run. Little bugger (an affectionate nickname I assure you all) is quite happy about summer and Chelsea is starting to see things my way now.

Mainly that means I managed to get her to give me more time with my son.

With school hardly needing me, I can take him my fair share this summer and allow her to do something else like spending time with her new boyfriend like having some alone time..



Journal: Neville

My garden is going well and the shoppe's too! Shelley is only too happy with all the time we spend outside and I've even got a tan. I can tell that my tomatoes will do nicely, so if anyone wants some when they start turning up, let me know.

[Warded to Lucy]
Gran will be away for a while and she asked me to keep an eye on the house. Of course she has that very awesome fire pit in the back and we could do s'mores? What would you say?



Journal: Michael

With my patients going away here and there, my work days grew shorter since June, maybe it would be time for me too to take a break. There is more then enough of my colleagues who can take over emergencies should they happen.

Anyone has suggestions? Emma, wanna come along, Darling?

[Warded to Terry]
I'm bloody terrified.



Log: Vic and Max

WHO: Maxwell and Victoria
WHEN: Monday, June 30th
WHERE: Maxwell's flat
WHAT: Just relaxing.. really.
RATING: Who knows, let say R for now.

No fire, too hot for that! )



Log: Hannah and Megan

Who: Hannah and Megan
What: Food tour
When: Monday afternoon
Where: London
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Though Megan usually left Foxglove at 2pm, she tended to stray a little bit longer just to make sure that everything was fine before finally leaving. As it was, she didn't actually leave Foxglove until closer to quarter to 3, which left her with just enough time to dash to the apartment she shared with Lavender, chuck her apron, pull on something less cupcake-smelling, and hurry over to the Floo station to meet Hannah.

Thank goodness Hogsmeade was such a small town. She managed the feat in, like, nine minutes.