The Last Station

July 2014


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June 23rd, 2014



Journal (June 23) | Asher

Anyone stupid enough to feed the Red Cap colony on the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest? Don't fuckin' know how you'd survive if you tried. Or anyone missing a roommate or a shag? The population is too large to be surviving on what's available in the woods.

Can't believe I've got to fuckin' say this, but don't feed the fuckin' Red Caps.



Journal (June 23) | Sebastien

My publicist didn't answer my Owl said I could mention this in public now so, um. I'm taking a year off Quidditch, maybe more, dunno yet, but I'm real appreciative of the Hogsmeade Hydras organization for the chance they gave me. The team's got a lot of real good players and a bright future.

Warded to Roger Davies
You have any openings at Spintwitches?




I hope everyone's summers are going well. I've found it almost far too hot to do anything until I remembered I lived near a lake, albeit one with a giant squid, so I've snuck in a couple times for a dip. Oops, sorry, please don't arrest me. (Is that even an arrestable offense?) So that's been happening, along with following off-season news... still nursing my broken heart, but what can you do, not every team can be a champion in a year. Thinking of going to the draft if there are still some tickets available. Maybe.

I might do a food tour or something. I've got a hankering for desserts lately. Cold ones, like ice creams and snow cones and things, and while I wasn't looking, I think London popped up with a couple of those things recently. Who wants to come with me?




Goodness, where's the time gone? I feel like spring was just starting and now we're in the middle of summer already? It's all that editing and promo planning for the book! Pretty soon it'll be Christmas!

I have to say, I missed being able to wear my sundresses, though, and open-toed sandals, and my big giant glasses and floppy hats. Which reminds me-- Michael, A, Romy: beach day soon? Bring your Significant Others, A and Romy. It'll be great!




I didn't want to say anything until the final t has been crossed and the last i dotted, but that happened today. The Nott Estate has been sold to a lovely elderly Muggle couple with far too much money to spend on homes they only live in one-tenth of the year. I suppose they needed to have a second home to bequeath their fifth grandchild when they finally pass on from this world.

They're calling it Elm Manor, which is what they think it's been called all this time. I've never understood why people cling to traditions so desperately, even though it isn't their own, but at least I can count on it. I ought to send the signed deed to my father.



log: cormac and merrill

Who: Cormac and Merrill
What: Talking and such
When: Tuesday, early afternoon
Where: Spintwitches
Rating: SFW
Status: ongoing

Cormac had spent most of his day unpacking a new shipment of things, maybe taking a bit longer than necessary as he checked out all the new equipment and gear. The task would have been boring if it weren't for all the cool things he got to look at, but he didn't mind the task when the products caught his interest. He was working on unpacking the new Cleansweep model to set up a display when the door opened and chimed. Reluctantly taking his eyes off the brand-spanking-new broom, he looked up and nodded to Merrill. "Alright, mate?"


It's amazing what a little extra time on your hands can do. With no real responsibilities up at the school right now, I've managed to rearrange the flat so everything fits together a bit more seamlessly when it did when we first threw everything together. And now we probably have time for a proper party to celebrate and whatever...