The Last Station

July 2014


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June 5th, 2014


Log: Marcus & Isabel, Lunch

Who: Marcus & Isabel
What: Lunch
When: Thursday
Where: The Moon-Smith flat.
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

Marcus had stopped by The Three Broomsticks and picked up some sandwiches for lunch. Though it had been a while since he'd last done so, the staff there knew exactly what to prepare. He also had a small plush hippogriff tucked away in his bag for Lyla that he picked up in a shop in Diagon Alley. He knocked on the door to the flat and waited.



Left for Draco this morning

There's a slim envelope with Draco's name on it which, once opened, confirms Draco and Theodore's acceptance to a one-week magical chocolatier course in Switzerland for August. The program includes visits to Muggle and magical chocolatiers in Switzerland, tastings, three full-day classes covering advanced techniques and showpiece creations, and meals. A note is enclosed:

Happy birthday, husband mine. I realise two months is a fair amount of time to wait for your birthday present-- there's truffles and a fondue set waiting for you in the kitchen as well.

I'll see you tonight.




Owl to Draco

The package contains a neatly wrapped book on Quidditch flying techniques, along with the following note:


I don't think you need it but this looked like something you might like. Happy birthday. Enjoy the cake.




owl to draco

Joyeux anniversaire, Draco. -- Fleur

(Enclosed is a designer shirt of extremely fine quality. A pale dove grey, it has a subtle silver sheen to it, achieved by the use of unicorn hair thread in the cloth.)



owl to draco

The owl carries a garish green and silver card, simply signed with an "M" and an "R", which plays tinny music when opened. Inside, a certificate thanks Draco for his subscription, informing him that he will receive a new type of whiskey and chocolate by owl post each month for the next year.



Owl to Draco

Happy Birthday, Draco.

- Pansy x

Inside a wrapped box is a french press and a pound of high quality Kona coffee.