The Last Station

July 2014


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June 2nd, 2014



Log | Merrill and Roger

WHO | Merrill and Roger Davies-Urquhart.
WHEN | Midday on Monday, June 2.
WHERE | Spintwitches.
WHAT | A discussion and a meal.
RATING | Likely low.
STATUS | Ongoing.

PROMPT | "A lazy afternoon..."

Merrill's Monday afternoon had the mark of an unhurried stretch of hours, with Violet at her grandparents' and no outstanding commitments to attend to. Just before noon, he stopped in at Honeydukes and The Three Broomsticks, then walked the short distance to Spintwitches. With the bright sound of the welcome bell at his heels, he further announced his presence with, "Lunch delivery for the devilishly handsome shop boy."



Muggle Night

Who: James, Lucy, Dan
What: Football, Fish & Chips
When: Thursday night (backdated, sorry)
Where: Liverpool
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home )



Journal: Alicia

Four years ago today, the most beautiful and amazing little girl was born: my Isla.

She's getting so big, it's hard to believe. Just a year ago (well, technically, barely a year ago) when we moved her, she couldn't look over the edge of the kitchen counter, and now she's on her toes trying to reach the cupcakes we've made for the guests. And don't even get me started on the tiny girl I brought home from the hospital. Back then, there was a small part of me that was always scared that I'd misplace her somewhere in that small flat.




The weather's getting warmer and it's terrible. How else am I supposed to keep this skin pasty white?

Private to Millicent

Would you mind taking over the shop for a couple of days beginning Saturday? Draco and I are going away for his birthday.

Private to Zacharias and Foxglove

Did anything ever come out of those back-ups you were looking for? Because you'll be short two players this Sunday.

Private to Merrill

Merrill, dearest. How are you doing?



Log: Saunderson and Victoria

Who: Victoria Frobisher and Saunderson Fawcett
What: Saunders is back in town and she has new inks to show
When: 2. June 2006 – 8-8.30’ish pm
Where: Saunders’ flat
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

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