The Last Station

July 2014


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May 30th, 2014



Log: Birthday Party!!!

Who: ANYONE! invitation or not -- feel free to crash!
What: Caleb and Ritchie's joint b-day party
When: Saturday, May 31, from 7PM - ?
Where: a secluded Welsh campground
Rating: PG 13 at least, for shenanigans
Status: ongoing

Trellyn Woodland, in Wales, is pretty much your basic campsite -- lots of space, lots of trees, not a lot of people. Of the seven pitches available, Millicent and Tracey booked the most secluded, and carefully set up an anti-muggle barrier before the guests arrived, on the off chance any outsiders should be drawn to investigate their celebrations.

Journal: Saunders

So… it’s lovely to be back! My trip to the Maldives was much needed. There’s something about the sun, white sand, and an endless blue sea that really brings a person to life and settles their soul.

Of course, that’s only a personal observation.

It wasn’t purely a vacation as I did some research while I was there and invested in some rather rare items for the shop. I stumbled upon some fascinating ink at an elite convention. Ink that glitters, ink that changes color constantly after dried, ink that changes color based on mood. I picked up some dream quills, quite a nifty invention. Give it some parchment while you sleep and it keeps an accurate and very articulate dream journal. Oh I could rave on and on!

Needless to say, I do feel like I missed quite a bit during my absence. I heard rumors of a body swap incident? I look forward to catching up with you all!

[Warded to Michael]

Oh! My dear, Michael! I feel as though I’ve been changed somehow… I ran into Adelaide, my ex if you recall. We had a very extended conversation about life and I feel lighter somehow. Like I understand who I am now and I’m comfortable with it. A sense of calm that I’m not sure I ever recall feeling… though my thoughts have been filled with a certain beauty that lives in Hogsmeade.

Enough about me. How have you been!? I’m so sorry for my sudden departure but really, you must tell me everything. How are you and the misses?