The Last Station

July 2014


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May 27th, 2014



Journal: Eleven Months

I was colour-coding my calendar for next month over the weekend, and I got to thinking - this time last year, I was preparing for my final meeting with the Ministry to discuss flume funds for a charity shop in the Hogsmeade Project. It's been an eventful a busy year. The shop's doing really well. I sell out of Hogwarts texts almost as fast as I can source them, and robes go nearly as quickly. We're making a modest profit and, an unexpected benefit, spreading the word about the charity. Head office tells me they got a lot of independent donations from people living in the Hogsmeade area. In fact, I think we're doing well enough that I can justify taking on a second paid member of staff. It would only be part-time, but if anyone is looking for work - or knows anyone who is - let me know.

[Warded to Dan and James]
I got distracted... The first World Cup matches are on the 9th of June and I still haven't decided what to do! Can we meet to discuss things soon?

[Warded to Neville]
You're working too hard. Why don't you come over tonight and let me spoil you? I have leftover roast beef so I was thinking of making either a salad or sandwiches.