The Last Station

July 2014


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May 21st, 2014




Man sometimes I wish I wasn't a Quidditch fan. This much agony and stress over how the Catapults do is too much. Today as I was getting ready for work I realised I'd given my underwear win-loss records.

(For what it's worth, the stripes are the winningest knickers.)




While I expect most everyone is excited about the upcoming last leg of the Quidditch, I'm more looking forward to try-outs for the Hydras. I'm not sure how well I'll actually do, but I've been training for as much as I've been able to for the past few months, ever since I moved to the village. As long as I give it my best go, I'll be satisfied.

Did anything come out of that drama with the Prophet, by the way? Did Skeeter just not have much to write about that week so she decided to pick on us poor souls?




Anyone want to do another trip out to Wales for the next Caerphilly match on Saturday? Might be fun! And by 'might be,' I mean it definitely will be. Just let me know as I'll absolutely be there myself.

Warded to Hannah:
You ought to come, since you don't get out much at all. Make the new kid work on Saturday.

Warded to Cho:

Let's solidify our holiday plans, shall we? I know we'd narrowed it down to a few different places, but we ought to make reservations and the like soon if we're meaning to go within the next few weeks!



Thread: Eloise and Gwen

Who: Eloise Midgen and Gwendolyn Montgomery
Where: The cast party after Gwen's show
When: Backdated to Monday, May 19
What: Some more chatting and bonding
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing


Eloise hadn't expected to like Gwen's play as much as she had. It was fascinating, learning more about that period in English history. She'd never paid all that much attention in History of Magic, as Binns hadn't made it very interesting, but perhaps she just needed to approach the subject from a more dramatic perspective.

She milled about the cast party, enjoying some small talk with others, before doubling back to find Gwen once more. "Do you usually have parties like this after your shows, or is it because this one was a special occasion?"



journal: pansy

I swear to fucking Merlin if I have to endure one more ridiculous small-talk conversation at the shop about Quidditch I just may snap.

However, now that I'm manager of Hogsmeade Reads, I could just ban Quidditch talk in the store. So consider this a warning.