The Last Station

July 2014


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May 8th, 2014



Log: Surprise!

Who: Open to Ali and Julian's friends
What: Surprise birthday party
When: Tonight at 8pm
Where: Ali and Julian's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

A quiet dinner, just the three of them. That was the plan. It was an early dinner too, to that first restaurant they'd gone in London for New Year's. Julian had said the reservation was earlier than normal-- at 6pm-- because there were no availabilities later in the evening. Why that was on a Thursday evening, he couldn't say, but they enjoyed themselves well, with a lavish dinner and champagne that left them giggling pleasantly as they walked back, arm in arm, towards their house.

But the truth of the early reservation was this: Julian had earlier sent out invitations to all of Alicia's friends, inviting them over by quarter to 8. Emma, his co-conspirator, had snuck in as soon as Julian and Alicia left, armed with decorations and a budget for drinks and food, clearing out the living room and laying out the makings for a party, answering the door as guests trickled in, one by one, and once eight drew near, turned the light down, as though no one had been there since Ali and Julian left, and waited with the rest.

It had been left to Julian to ensure that the timing was perfect on his end. To stall, or linger, as needed. The consummate planner that he was, he'd called ahead and spoken with the maitre d' to devise a meal that would begin promptly at 6 and end promptly at twenty minutes to 8-- enough time to travel between and arrive on time-- courses served on the minute at specified intervals and not earlier or later than.

With a minute or two to spare when they reached the house, Julian stumbled, back against the door, to warn those inside that they were there. He gave Alicia a leisurely kiss, a softly whispered greeting-- "Happy birthday, Ali"-- before he let them in, the door opening to a darkened room now that the sun was down, but revealing, in the flick of a wand that cast everything in light, all of their friends jumping up in unison.




Owl to Harry Potter


Start making your excuses at work now, because right after your game on Sunday, we are going on holiday for a whole damn week. Remember your bathing suit, glasses and wand; leave the rest up to me.

I can't decide what to tell people when they ask where I'm going. I'm torn between telling everyone I'm going off to America to learn Quodpot or going to New Zealand to learn how to breed Puffskeins.

I'm terribly excited for our vacation. I really can't wait.

- Gin

(Attached is the brochure of where they will be staying.)



Owl to Astoria


I just received word from Kingsley Shacklebolt that he needs me in London all next week for some conference or special project he's working on. He was rather vague on the details, but I don't think I can refuse the Minister of Magic when he asks for something.

Do you feel comfortable holding down the fort here in Hogsmeade while I'm away? I know you're still completing your training, but I have faith you'll do great. I should only be gone a week. And of course if you need anything I'm only an owl away.

- Harry

Log: La Famiglia

Who: Dan, Jimmy, and their parents

What: A run-in

When: Backdated to last Sunday

Where: Inverness

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

"I can't believe you haven't gone here yet," Dan was muttering, shaking his head. "You've been here weeks! What have you been doing in that time?"

His father only looked at him with bemusement, though he let his son drag him into the cafe. "I don't think they've got room for us here, son," he said, causing Dan to frown.

"This is a lot busier than it was last time I came here," he murmured, scanning the cafe for any open seating. The last time he was here was with Stewart, when they were scouting Inverness. The last time he was here, he'd said he would take his father to the cafe, but once his dad moved, they never actually got around to it, and he'd trusted his dad would go on the strength of his recommendation. "We'll probably have to wait."