The Last Station

July 2014


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May 5th, 2014



journal: lavender

So happy to be myself again. Shame that all this nonsense had to put me off Blishen's for a while because their latest brew was actually quite delicious.

[Warded to Draco]
Thank you for not disfiguring me or chopping all my hair off.

[Warded to Viktor]
I'm ready for our date when ever you are.



Log: The throuple goes to London

Who: Romilda Vane, Cormac McLaggen, and Lisa Turpin
Where: A hotel in Wizarding Knightsbridge, London
When: Backdated to Saturday, May 3
What: Some serious conversation
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Romilda wasn't entirely pleased with either Cormac or Lisa, but they'd all agreed to go out on this day trip of theirs before Cormac'd been arrested and Lisa had to bail him out. She liked both of them a lot, really she did, but she'd thought going into this that Cormac was maturing and he wasn't going to be getting arrested on a regular basis (though really, it'd just been one time). And Lisa was just encouraging his behaviour!

Of course, they all still had to sit down and talk about what was going on with them, and what the future could bring -- but Romilda didn't really see the point if they were going to continue along this path. That didn't mean that she was opposed to trying to have a good time, though, and the day they'd planned out was fun. Romilda did her best to act as though everything was fine, but once they returned to their hotel room to get ready for dinner, she sort of started to feel as though she was running out of steam.

"When do we need to leave?" Romilda put in her earrings and glanced over at Lisa's reflection in the mirror.