The Last Station

July 2014


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April 12th, 2014



Owl to Mariette Edgecombe

Owl to Marietta )



Warded to Cho Chang, Megan Jones, and Viktor Krum

I think I just cried a bit filling out that bloke's bracket competition and not putting the Cats as the ones to win it all.




Who: Lucian and Isabel
What: A visit
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Isabel's house
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

The last time Lucian had visited Isabel here, she'd gone into labour. There was no risk of that now, since his goddaughter Lyla was around. He strolled up her apartment, whistling a tune and swinging a toy broom-- one of his gifts-- in his hand.




Backdated Owl

Sent in the early morning hours of Saturday.

Dear Terry Boot,

Would you like to go out on a non professional date. Please indicate thoughts thank you!

Serena Capper



note to megan jones

Are we still doing something tonight, roomie? I need more of you in my life. When left to my own devices I make poor life decisions.



Okay, so the Quidditch Cup Championships start next Wednesday. Who's up for a friendly little bracket competition?

Fill out your bracket here!

Here's how we'll score:
Guessing the correct team + correct number of games = 5pts
Correct team + off by one game = 4pts
Correct team + off by two games = 3pts

Guess the wrong team + correct number of games = 2pts
Wrong team + off by one game = 1pt
Wrong team + off by two games = 0pts

It's a galleon to join, but the winner takes all the galleons after, so the more of us that join the better, yeah?

OOC: For reference, the conference + standings list can be found here and results will be based off the NHL Western Conference Playoffs results -- the BIQL Southern Conference is the NHL Central Conference and the BIQL Northern Conference is the NHL Pacific Conference. Actual team equivalents will be posted once those are finalised this Sunday.



Hydras' End of Season Celebrations

Who: Hydras team, management, and staff and their plus-ones // OPEN to all
Where: Executive suite, Bertie Botts Stadium // The Three Broomsticks
When: Saturday, 7pm // Saturday, 10pm
What: Celebrations!
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Over the last few months, James had started to have very fond feelings about his newly-adopted team. Though he was sure no other team could compare to his beloved Catapults, his new rapport with staff and players had convinced him that pushing for a successful Hydras team was something James genuinely wanted.

After making sure that preparations were in place for both the private party and the village celebration, James double-checked his pocket square, making sure it wasn't crooked, and waited for the first guests to arrive at the suite.


The Quidditch Cup Championships are always a huge deal in my department at the Ministry, so I've been receiving Owls on the subject from my colleagues all day. With the Tornados at the bottom of the league and the Hydras out of the running, I don't really have any preference who wins. At this point, I'm almost more interested in the pick-up games.

Warded to Serena
My head is still killing me. How awful were we on Mari her Marietta's journal last night? I can't bear to look.

Owl to Marietta Edgecombe


Despite our difficult history I shouldn't have
I apologise for my behaviour in your journal last night. It was indefensible and completely inappropriate, particularly considering that it was your birthday. I hope my actions didn't ruin





Who: Megan and Asher
What: A misunderstanding-slash-argument
When: Earlier tonight (before the Hydras party)
Where: Asher's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Megan took out the tray of penis-shaped cookies from the oven and left them on the table to cool, cheating a little and taking a piece off one cookie-ball to taste-test them.

"They're good and hot," she declared, breaking off a section from the tip and handing it over to Asher. "Wanna try some?"



Log: Eloise and Victoria

Who: Eloise and Victoria
What: Taking a look at Eloise’s newest investment
When: Saturday, April 12 2006
Where: Inverness
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Victoria didn’t know anything about apartment buildings other than she could see if she liked the flats or not. She didn’t know how to estimate the value of the place or how much revenue it would make or if it was a good buy. But, when Eloise had asked if she wanted to come along and have a look at her newest investment, Victoria hadn’t hesitated in accepting the invitation. Though she hadn’t replied to it, she had read Eloise’s description of the neighbourhood, and it sounded interesting and since she had only been to Inverness once… well, and it had been a while since she had spent some real time with Eloise.

So, when the last student had left Qualitea, preparations for tomorrow and clean up after today had been done, Victoria had hurried home to shower and dress before she had gone to meet Eloise, hoping that after taking a look at the building they could find a place to have a strong drink or five. Or maybe just a glass of wine.

Pretending to smooth her coat, she took a moment to breathe deeply after the Apparition to Inverness, before she looked to Eloise. “I’m on unfamiliar ground now,” she admitted with a chuckle, “so… lead the way.”