The Last Station

July 2014


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April 10th, 2014


Owl to Tracey Davis


Would you be interested in having a potential business investor join us at the first business council meeting? I've a friend who's interested in supporting and developing local businesses here in Hogsmeade. Please let me know at your convenience.

Hermione Granger




Who: Hermione and Lucian
What: A confrontation
When: This evening
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

"If you ask me," Lucian said in conclusion, "this is a piss-poor village and a pathetic excuse for the use of those funds. Did you say they were taxpayer money? Because I'm sure they're just going to shops no one visits and people who don't know the first thing about running anything. The program head's a joke and the ones who have lived here all their lives don't even like all the new residents."

He took one final swig of his drink and shook his head. "I can't wait until I get traded out of this hell hole," he said, leaning forward and putting on the charm and dialing it to eleven. "You'll help with that, won't you, Rita?"

Rita Skeeter murmured her assurances, but it wasn't long after that she glanced at the time and excused herself, patting his cheek for agreeing to meet her when he did.

"Hey, anytime," he said, waving her off. She'd been interested in how he'd been adjusting in the village and had implied she'd write something up that would make other teams take notice. That interview ended forty-five minutes ago, with Rita setting down her quill and parchment to ask him, friend to friend, how he was really doing. Until she'd asked Lucian didn't realise just to what extent he longed to leave, but he found the exchange alleviated a lot of his frustration.

He signaled for the check, eager to pay for his half of the meal and get back to his flat. Maybe Gwendolyn was free. Or Katie. Maybe even Lavender.



journal: cormac

Despite the fucking racket yesterday morning (though who really calls 5am morning?) I'm finally settled into the new flat. It's a bit strange having all this extra space now, but I think I'm going to like it. Doesn't hurt that I only had to move down one flight of stairs, so it's not really that new.

[Warded to Alicia]
We still good to have Isla at mine this weekend? I was thinking she and I could pop down to Inverness and look for decorations or whatever her bedroom will need. I'm not very good at--



log: pansy/hermione

Who: Hermione and Pansy
What: talking about dinner with Draco and Theo
When: Backdated to March 28th, after Cormac and James' bday party
Where: Hermione's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: complete

I know everyone else thinks we're a loud sort )



journal: pansy

Joy, another Hogsmeade weekend is upon us. Unfortunately the only promotion we have at Hogsmeade Reads is for OWL and NEWT study guides. There's a whole display of bewitched calendars that berate you if you forget to study. So glad those years are behind me.

[Warded to Lucian]
I'm not sure what you did to upset Granger so thoroughly, but I'm impressed.

[Warded to Draco]
If you're still intent on dinner with Granger, we're free except Tuesdays and Wednesdays.




Owl to Angelina Johnson )

Owl to Vicky Frobisher )

Owl to Serena Capper


I just looked at a calender and realized tomorrow is her birthday. I haven't remembered it in years, but I guess seeing Marietta brought it back this year's different. Are you doing anything after your show ends tomorrow? We could go out. Or stay in. Or anything.




Journal: Michael

I had never been implicated in anything like it before. De-gnoming was certainly an interesting experience, though I am not sure I'd do it again. I am far better at repairing the damages done afterwards than chasing them.

Ah well. As my mother often says, to each their own.

[Warded to Emma]
Speaking of my mother, she'd like for us to go over for dinner again. Will won't be there though Thank Merlin, but she insists.



Log | Draco and Roger

WHO | Draco Malfoy and Roger Davies.
WHEN | The morning of Thursday, April 10.
WHERE | Hogsmeade Village.
WHAT | Roger ruins Draco's run.
RATING | Presumably low, save for language?
STATUS | Ongoing.

Draco dismissed the Flitterbies at 6:00 a.m. precisely. But he hadn't a class for hours still, and so while Theodore returned to bed, Draco went for a run. He was in better shape now than he'd been as a professional athlete, and he enjoyed the opportunity to organise his thoughts before his students tested his patience.