The Last Station

July 2014


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April 7th, 2014




Things I Am Sorry For:
- The end of the regular Hydra's season. Only went to one game this year and got into a shouting match with my ex while I was there but it ended up being a really nice time. Hope to catch a few more matches next season!
- Not visiting my Gram more. I felt like I just visited her and then, whoops, suddenly it is a month later and I get a howler at work wondering if I'm still alive. Spoiler alert: I am.
- Not going out more! I love my new job and I don't think I'm terrible at it but this second shift life is turning me into an old lady.

Things I Am Not Sorry For:
- All those extra early morning Foxglove Flitterbies practices! My pants fit better and we won this Sunday finally!
- Slapping my girlfriend's butt after said Foxglove win. It was a good-sportsmanlike gesture of congratulations from one teammate to another. The fact that I kept my hand there for awhile was completely an accident.
- Taking off my shirt and running around the pitch while screaming, "wooo" after the aforementioned Foxglove win. I'm not sure if I simply I reverted back to my old "shirts" ways or if I was caught up in the moment. Either way, not sorry!


What, in Merlin's name, am I going to do with myself after the playoffs are over? How do normal people spend their evenings and nights? If anyone finds me wandering the streets of Hogsmeade, narrating the passing foot traffic, please point me toward home. Perhaps I should pin an address label to my shirt, just in case.



journal: lavender

Goodness, I don't even know what to do with myself now that the Hydras' season is over. At least there is pick-up Quidditch! Such a fun game yesterday, even if the Fwoopers didn't win. Nice catch, Harry, but we'll get you next time!

[Warded to Dan and James]
We should organize an end-of-season party, don't you think? Everyone deserves a congratulations on such a fantastic first season for the team!



Log: Astoria and Victoria

Who: Astoria Greengrass and Victoria Frobisher
What: Shopping, perhaps a little bonding?
When: Monday, late afternoon
Where: A lingerie shop in London
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

After all, wasn’t that what starting over was all about? )




I've just signed the papers to finalise the purchasing of an apartment building in Wizarding Inverness, so there's one thing I can cross off my list of goals for 2006.

Oh! And when I was in that part of town I couldn't help but notice that two enterprising wizards are looking to do a Magical version of Muggle 'laser tag' and are opening a gaming center in the next month or so. There were two Muggle locations in Brighton for 'laser tag' but of course I've never tried it because I never had any friends because we didn't much venture into the Muggle part of town while I lived there. However, the Magical version does looks interesting. The posters they had indicated that you use toy wands that shoot out harmless light beams to mark your opponents.


Well, that's it, then. I've got an official interview with Headmistress McGonagall that's set for next Friday.

In the event of my receiving this position, Hogsmeade Reads won't be closing -- I'd hate to deprive the village of a literary resource -- but we will be expanding the amount of available career opportunities. Please see me at the shop if you're interested in some part- or full-time work.

Warded to Gryffindor House:

It's been ages since that dinner Harry and I threw a few months ago. Let's do something else. Let me know if you're interested and when would be best for you. I volunteer Harry to host the gathering again, too.



Journal: Bad Mood

Godric's teeth, I am not employed to be a marriage counsellor! If you're going to have a fight about whether Betty should learn flute or violin, have it before you get to the shop. Nevermind that those are two of the most common classical instruments for a girl and she's going to have to fight tooth and nail to get a spot in a decent orchestra if she decides to keep it up. If either of her parents had a lick of sense, they'd have noticed she spent the entire time they were arguing mesmerised by the baritone horn I'd charmed to play a demo.

If I had my way, Hogwarts would have discount arrangements with teachers of every instrument and I'd put on a musical open day for firsties every year to show them there's more options out there. But I'm not the music teacher, so it's not up to me. Apparently.

Three more hours of this shit today. If one more person comes in looking for sheet music to Merlin's bloody Requiem I'm going to rip it up. It was composed to be played on a psaltery, why do we allow ten-year-olds to murder it on the violin?



log: a customer gets more than he bargained for

Who: Theodore, Millicent, and Terry
What: a bit too much celebrating has unfortunate consequences
When: Monday morning
Where: Eye of Newt
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Millicent glanced at Theodore out of the corner of her eye, and not for the first time that morning. From the moment of her arrival at the shop, it had been clear that Theodore wasn't at his best. Assuming he was just a bit peaked, she'd said nothing about it, but-- honest to Salazar-- he seemed worse now than before. Frowning, Millicent put aside the potion she'd just finished labeling and turned to Theo.

"You look like shite, mate," she said, crossing her arms. "I can watch the shop, if you want to skive off for the rest of the day."



Owl to Jake Vaisey


How are you? I hope you're well. It really feels like it's been ages since I last saw you even though I know we've met up several times since that fabulous New Years party we attended. Where are you at the moment? Have you finished that job in Berlin? Although I am sure you already have, knowing you you've left them more than satisfied with an amazing new place.

Speaking of new places and projects, which I know you always complete to an absolute high standard. Your absolutely dearest friend in the whole world is in desperate need of help. It's just the sort of thing I know you excel at, making places look fabulous and showing difficult customers just how amazing your ideas are. Come visit? I miss you, and you need to see me.





Log: Len and Alicia

Who: Len Branstone and Alicia Spinnet
What: Len’s first day at the Clinic
When: Monday morning
Where: The Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

While Alicia had met in earlier today, to get some Owls out of the way before the trainee who would be shadowing her showed up, she hadn’t been in that much earlier. Eleanor Branstone wouldn’t be the first trainee assigned to her, though she would be the first at the Clinic who wouldn’t be doing half of her training at St. Mungo’s. Mostly Alicia loved the slower pace of the Clinic, but she couldn’t help but worry that maybe it was too slow to give this Fledgling Healer the necessary experience. She hoped, because though she hadn’t worked with Eleanor before, she recalled the younger witch as competent and she wouldn’t want her training to suffer in any way.

She was on her second cup of coffee and had just signed the last of her Owls, when there was a knock on the door. “It’s open!” she called, as she folded up the parchment.


It's two words...a week. But at least the teams are getting into their "a match is coming up" practice modes, so there's plenty of ways to distract myself in the evenings.

For you lot that have been asking, the final two matches of the season are:

May 3 - Hufflepuff v. Slytherin
May 24 - Gryffindor v. Ravenclaw

Both should be exciting match ups, if I do say so myself.

Warded to Alicia
Did Andrew tell you what's going on? I think I messed up this time.

Warded to Roger, James, Neville
Anyone interested in a night of drinking and whatever else goes along with it these days?

[No Subject]

Who: Jake & Gwen
What: Jake is returning to England to see his friend, it's been a while!
When: Monday evening
Where: Gwen's place, atop the Hogshead
Rating: Low?
Status: Completed

It had been just over a year since he'd seen her last, at an all night party in Venice. Good night, he recalled )

[No Subject]

Britannia, it's been a while.

I have returned this evening from Europe to stay with Gwen for a few weeks. It's been just over six years since I was here last. Who is out there using these journals? Wondering if many from Hogwarts are about these days. A lot has changed, it seems. Good to know that the best parts have stayed the same.