The Last Station

July 2014


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April 1st, 2014



Who: Tracey and Gwen

What: Business council discussion

When: Backdated to Monday at lunch

Where: Gwen's office

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey had to admit that she had gotten sidetracked with the show to fully focus on the things she'd intended to get started in Hogsmeade, foremost of which was the creation of the business council to help pull together business owners and create a supportive group amongst them. While most of the people she'd spoken with were favorable of the idea, they were waiting for her to get it started.

And she wanted to start it in a big way. A good way. The application was pending approval with the town council, but she wanted the announcement, and consequently the group's first meeting, to go spectacularly.

That was where she hoped Gwen would be able to come in and help.

So at lunchtime on Monday, Tracey came into the Selwyn PR office with boxed lunch from Fromage and a wide smile on her face. "Hello, Gwen!"


Who: Tracey and Isabel

What: A visit

When: Today at lunch

Where: Isabel and Zacharias' flat

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey had intended to visit much earlier, but she'd wanted to give Isabel time to recover and both Isabel and Zacharias to have private time with their newborn child. Had she known that Isabel was already well enough to be attending Quidditch matches- now that Caleb no longer played for the pick-up games, Tracey had fewer reasons to attend- she would certainly have dropped by as soon as Sunday!

She had an hour during lunch that day, however, to pay mother and daughter a visit. So she took some lunch from The Three Broomsticks and headed over to Foxglove, wondering whether or not to pick up some cupcakes for dessert and deciding to do so before she headed up the steps to where surely Isabel rested with little Lyla.

"Hello?" she called out, knocking on the door.


The last time The Three Broomsticks hosted a listening party to the Hydras game was such a success that we are doing it again tomorrow! It's cheaper than heading to Holyhead, and you'll be among friends. We'll do drink specials and games and it'll be a grand time!

Specials start at six.


Who: Dan and Lisa

What: Mad experimenting

When: Tuesday afternoon

Where: Dan's flat

Rating: Low

Status: Complete

Once Lisa had put the idea in his head, Dan couldn't get it out. It had been so long since he'd actually spent time tinkering with magic- running the Hydras had consumed his time these days, and he knew part of the restlessness he felt with running the team was based on the fact that he wasn't a manager at heart- that he was eager to get his hands dirty, so to speak.

He'd taken the last few hours of the afternoon off, though Lisa wouldn't be arriving until later, so he could nip over to Inverness and pick up a few texts from the bookshop there. He was surprised to have found a few good resources to use. Finding the projector and a sample film, though, proved trickier, but he managed to scrounge one up in a vintage shop in one of London's side streets.

The beginning of any kind of endeavor such as this, he knew, was the formulation of some kind of theory, but all he had were strands of ideas. He hoped Lisa had something more concrete, or at least, that reading up on how early films were created, and how those movies were shown, would help them come up with something.

He picked up an especially impressive looking tome and started reading.



Journal: Alicia

I think I saw a cautionary journal entry a couple of days ago about fire safety, and after last night, I'm feeling inspired to do the same thing, only a on a different topic:

Please, be aware that even though spring is in their air, the temperature still drops below freezing at night and that makes the streets very slippery. I know that mending broken bones is my specialty, but for your own sakes be careful. The number of broken bones I Healed last night was simply too many.

[Warded to Neville]
Speaking of; how is your ankle today?

[Warded Andrew, Oliver and Julian]
A couple of weeks ago, Andrew and I talked about going to hear my brother play, and I promised Andrew I'd get back to him when I had a date and a time. Also, Oliver, you and I talked about maybe catching up next weekend, right?

Well, maybe we can combine those two things, seeing as how they have a gig at a small place in London on Friday evening. What do you say?



Log | Katie and Lucian and Oranges

WHO | Katie Bell and Lucian Bole.
WHEN | The early evening of Tuesday, April 1.
WHERE | The Magic Neep (Hogsmeade).
WHAT | Lucian displays his unchivalrous side.
RATING | TBD? Medium? Potentially higher?
STATUS | Ongoing.

Katie wasn't sure she could eat egg on toast for the fifth evening in a row. But the state of her basket suggested she would have to -- there were Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, biscuits, butterbeer, chocolate frogs, crisps... in short, the most important items in the shop.




Happy April Fool's Day, everyone! Though maybe wishing a "happy" April Fool's might be misleading...everyone should be on their guard today. I should have wished everyone a "wary" April Fool's. Don't worry, there will be no abuse of any of your kind, trusting natures for the sake of moderate, short-lived amusement. At least, not from me. But I wouldn't put past anyone else today! Can't trust anyone on April Fool's, I learned that very early in life. Even the most mild-mannered person might be a trickster in disguise. I remember the twin's 12th birthday, Fred

Hope to see some of you at the away match at Holyhead tomorrow, even if the weather doesn't hold up. You pickup players are old hats at weathering storms by now, from what I hear of last Sunday's games.

Warded to Harry, Hermione, Fleur
Usually I can get Ron to come with me to go visit George on his and Fred's birthday but he says he's busy on some important something or other. Any of you brave souls want to come with me tonight to see if I can coax him out for a drink? I won't be out too late with the match tomorrow.



[No Subject]

As most, I'm quite enjoying the games, and they've thankfully been cleaner than expected, as some rules tend to go out the window in amateur games. I'm not complaining, believe me, there's enough during the regular seasons to keep me quite occupied. Quodpot season will be kicking off in earnest as well which should keep me busy, though I still have every intention on keeping the normal surgery hours and should be available as usual.

In other news, I'm quite looking forward to the book club, I've finished the book, it was quite good, though I'll domy best not to spoil anything for anyone.




Whatever's in the water has, as it turns out, affected me and Draco as well. It's a little bit more intentional, of course, as we couldn't just get pregnant by accident-- for obvious reasons-- but Millicent has agreed to carry our child to term.

Today she told us we will be parents in seven months' time.



Log: Town Hall Meeting

Who: Open to everyone
What: Town Hall Meeting
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: The Hogsmeade Express Station
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

There was one Tuesday night every month that Julian rather dreaded, and it was the night that the villagers all gathered round to air out their concerns in the Town Hall meeting. Airing out their concerns, of course, was a polite way of saying they were there to complain, and whether or not it was something the Town Council could help with, Julian was the hapless focus of these complaints.

After almost a year of doing this, Julian liked to think he had more or less gotten a handle on how these things run, and he'd managed to develop skin thick enough to withstand the insults lobbied at him.

"Good evening, everyone," he said, sitting at the front of the hall. "Thank you for coming. We're opening up the floor for the residents. Please keep in mind to let everyone speak their turn. Direct your inquiries towards me and please, try not to jump in."

He cleared his throat and glanced at the residents seated in front of him. "Who would like to start?"



log: when is a sugar quill not a sugar quill?

Who: Ritchie and Millicent
What: slightly unexpected sweets
When: Wednesday, during Millicent's lunch break
Where: behind Eye of Newt
Rating: low, save for language
Status: ongoing complete!

When Ritchie arrived, Millicent was just finishing up a transaction for one of several ancient wizards who came into the apothecary for potions to ward off indigestion, restore hair growth, or counteract impotence. Given that this was one of the latter, she avoided eye contact, sliding the decrepit bastard his change before sending him off with a curt nod.

"Come on," she said, once the door closed behind the departing wizard and they were left alone. She gestured for Ritchie to come behind the counter, then kissed him soundly, if briefly, when he did. "We'll head out the back so I can let Theo know I'm going on break." Taking his hand, they slipped out through the storeroom, pausing only long enough for Millicent to grab her bagged lunch and shout for Theodore to come man the till.

The open area just behind the shop allowed them a bit of privacy and the run of slightly warmer temperatures the village had been enjoying lately meant that they could actually sit outside without freezing their arses off. It wasn't the most comfortable of spots, but there was a weather-worn little table they could eat at, along with a pair of chairs. Millicent dropped in one of these and used the toe of her foot to pull the other closer, nodding for Ritchie to join her.