The Last Station

July 2014


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March 8th, 2014


Log: Hannah and Susan

Who: Hannah and Susan
What: breakfast
When: backdated to early Friday morning
Where: the kitchen at Fromage
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Early Friday morning, before she was due to head over to the Owlery, Susan met Hannah at Fromage. The two of them had the restaurant to the themselves at this time of day, and they made their way into the kitchen to make breakfast. Susan had never cooked in a professional kitchen before-- though Hannah had the opportunity to do so all the time, of course-- and she found herself both excited and a bit apprehensive about the prospect. It was silly, really. A kitchen was a kitchen, whether in the home or a place of business.

Once all the ingredients for breakfast were gathered, Susan glanced over at Hannah and said, "I'll start chopping, if you like. And tell me what's been going on with you lately. I feel like we've hardly talked since my birthday." Between Hannah's restaurant opening and the fact that Susan now spent most of her time away from work with Kevin, Jasper, and the occasional foster animal-- well, they had a lot to catch up on.



Log: Romilda and Jimmy run into each other

Who: Romilda Vane and Jimmy Peakes
Where: The Magic Neep
When: Backdated to Friday, March 7, early evening
What: Exes running into each other
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing


It wasn't unusual for Romilda to have moments where she just wanted someone else to cook for her. While she wouldn't have minded dropping into the Three Broomsticks for a takeaway, she knew she was running low on some things for her pantry so after she closed up Qualitea, she made her way over to the Magic Neep to do her shopping.

Though she remembered that Jimmy had recently moved to the village, she hadn't realised that she would be running into him this quickly. Of course, Hogsmeade was tiny and really, it was more of a surprise that they hadn't seen each other before this. She walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, smiling sort of nervously. "Hi, Jimmy. Hope I'm not interrupting anything?"