The Last Station

July 2014


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February 19th, 2014




Who: Lucian Bole and Isabel Moon
What: Catching up
When: This morning
Where: Foxglove
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Lucian had heard of Foxglove, and the work that Izzy had put into it, but despite that, he'd never had the chance to visit. Though he was still annoyed at the trade, he could readily acknowledge that moving into the village did bring with it at least a few highlights. He wasn't a fan of girly things, as evidenced by his conversation with that waitress, but Izzy was Izzy and cupcakes were a weak spot.

"I heard this place had cupcakes," he said, walking into the shop. "And an Izzy. I'd like to have both, please."

Log: Two Couples at Next

Who: Roger, Merrill, Dan, and Stewart

What: Dinner

When: Tonight

Where: Next

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Roger had been so surprised when Merrill had asked if he was free for dinner outside- Merrill hadn't had an appetite in a while, and even though they'd spent a few days in the ski resort just last weekend, he felt as though Merrill was still easily exhausted- that he said yes without asking for more details. It wasn't until Merrill mentioned his match-making service skills that he realized what was going on, or who they were going with. He shared a house with Dan and Stewart, and he remembered having shagged Dan at one point- there were few men in the village he hadn't- but beyond that, he couldn't say he was very familiar with either. All he knew was that Merrill had set them both up and they were only too happy to buy Merrill and Roger dinner.

Roger was more than happy to oblige.

"Ready?" he asked Merrill, offering him his arm to Apparate them both to Next, the restaurant Merrill had chosen. With Violet at her grandmother's for the evening, they had all evening to make new friends.




Scotland's playing New Zealand for the IQC Quarterfinals tonight! And before anyone points out, yes, I realise I'm Welsh, but the Welsh couldn't be arsed to send anybody there and Sebastien's on the Scottish team, SO. Anybody wanna listen with me? I might head over to the 3B and talk Madam Rosie into turning the wireless on to the coverage.




[Warded to all Slytherins]

Right, it has been decided: party at mine and Draco's this Saturday evening. Bring a dish or drinks, we'll provide the music and actual cups. Plus-ones are welcome, even if they didn't have the good sense to be a snake to start.



Warded to Hermione Granger

Are you still taking those potions from Theodore?