The Last Station

July 2014


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January 31st, 2014



Journal: Thoughts

If anyone out there hasn't tried cuddly lazy morning sex yet they can take it from me that it's worth a shot. I had no idea what I was missing.

[Crossed out the evening after it was written]

[Warded to Dan]
So are you seeing anyone, or should I be inventing reasons to get the birthday boy properly snogged by as many people as possible on Saturday? No masks, I promise.




Guess what guy has two thumbs, polished off a whole brick of cheddar cheese without ralphing today, and got a promotion at work? This wizard, that's who! I'm to be a production assistant on Countdown!, which will quickly become your favourite program on the WWN. Serena is going to be the most awesome boss ever and her show is the bomb and if you want to improve the quality of your lives, you'll listen to it. Just saying.

I can't wait to go to work and not have to worry about Celestina Warbeck trying to grab my tushie every time I have to make her tea! Sharp fingernails...yikes.

Warded to Lisa
While I didn't get the job I applied for, the powers that be were so impressed with my interview, they thought me perfect for this new job! I couldn't have done it without you, thank you so very, very much. Also, did I tell you I finally got laid? Things are coming up roses for Ritchie!

Warded to Millicent
Are you the O.W.L.S.? Because I'd do you for 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Log: Hermione and Ginny have a sleepover

Who: Hermione and Ginny
Where: Ginny's flat
When: Friday evening, January 31
What: Drunken pizza eating, commiserating, secret sharing, etc.
Rating: SFW but maybe a language warning
Status: Ongoing

I hope you're hungry! )

Log: Millicent and Dan go have a drink

Who: Millicent and Dan

What: Drinks

When: Tonight

Where: A pub in Inverness

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Dan hadn't spoken to Millicent since their last conversation, which was only a few days ago, but it seemed like an enormous amount of time had passed since. Maybe it was because an enormous amount of things had also happened, and Dan wasn't even sure where to start. His thoughts and emotions remained in a tangled mess, where threads wound into each other and try as he might, he couldn't separate one from the other. He felt like an asshole, some part of his mind decrying everything he chose to say or do, and part of him wanted to rise above it, to fight to do what he should, what people deserved from him, but another, baser part of him just wanted to raise his hands up and give in. Screw it. It was too hard. He wasn't that kind of guy.

Suffice to say, tonight he just really needed a drink.

Such was the state of his mind that he couldn't even remember what he and Millicent had agreed to do, so he decided to leave work early and just head over to Eye of Newt in the off-chance he could catch Millicent before she closed up.



The dumbest sexual relapse in Wizarding History

Who: Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter

What: BOOTY CALL! After Ginny and Hermione's sleepover, Ginny is feeling drunk, lonely, and sexually frustrated. She determines that seducing Harry and relieving her tension is the best idea she can think of. She's not wrong. Inspired by the cracktastic plotting post.

When: Friday night/Saturday morning

Where: Harry's flat

Rating: It's going to get NSFW up in here. STOP INSPIRING ME TO WRITE SMUT, I CAN'T KEEP UP!

Status: Ongoing COMPLETE!!

Sleeping with an ex is like masturbation. You know you're f*cking yourself but you do it anyway... )



Log: Eloise and Victoria

Who: Eloise Midgen and Victoria Frobisher
What: Victoria stops by Eloise’s place
When: Friday evening, after work
Where: Eloise’s place
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Up for some company tonight? )



Fromage Opening Weekend

Who: Hannah + Open
What: Fromage Opening Weekend!!!
When: Friday - Sunday
Where: 5A Main Street
Rating: SFW (Hannah hopes)
Status: Ongoing

A few minutes to opening, Hannah did one last sweep of the restaurant to double (okay, more like triple) check that everything was just as it should be. Satisfied that it was, she unlocked the front door and waited for people to arrive.

She'd perfected the menu over the last month, so she hoped with the advertising and the partnership with the Hydras, people would come out to eat and enjoy the food!




Hallo, Hogsmeade. All right?

In case you hadn't heard, Gulliver's Dragons is beginning its slow takeover of the village. My mate's been here for a while, haven't you, Andrew? So I've been a few times. And now seemed like the proper time to move. Gutted to hear I missed loads of parties, though. When's the next?

Oh, and if anyone wants music lessons and you aren't already doing them with Kirke, drop me a note, right?

Oh -- and the name's Jack. Hiya.



Journal: Justin

Why has no one told me that knitting was fun before? Challenging, yes, but fun!

I went ahead and got bamboo needles though, because the metal ones are too slippery and I'd like to finish a row before they just slip away.

Now I have a really crooked and misshaped dishcloth but I feel incredibly proud of it.



Owl: Lavender/Madam Rosmerta

Madam Rosmerta,

I am contacting you on behalf of the Hogsmeade Hydras in hopes that you'd be interested in a partnership with the team. It was brought to my attention that other Quidditch teams in the league have 'home' pubs that locals frequent to listen to away matches and revel in the sport together. As you can imagine, sharing the sport with others who love it just as much can be invigorating!

Due to the relative youth of the Hydras, no such place has been established for the team. I'd be very interested in making The Three Broomsticks the place to be to listen to away games, or even for fans to gather if they weren't able to purchase tickets.

Let me know if you'd be interested in such a relationship with the Hydras and we can take any planning necessary from there.

Hope to hear from you.

Lavender Brown
Personal Assistant to Dan Bradley



Journal: Michael

The healing is doing marvelously. A week off from work has done me the greatest good and I've gone through a lot of reading, mostly fictional. We'll see what the follow up appointment will say on Monday though. I'm hoping to get back to work soon.

[Warded to Ravenclaws]
I'd like to host a nice dinner now that most of us are in the village now. How many would come?

[Warded to Lisa]
Thank you again for the books.

[Warded to Emma]
Thank you so much for putting up with me this week.


This weekend couldn't have come soon enough. Merrill, Violet and I are rewarding ourselves with a trip to Venice, which is cold but not as bad as Scotland at this time, thank Merlin.

I don't think Merrill's spoken a word of English since we arrived, but I'm not about to complain.

Private to Ravenclaw friends and Oliver

Apologies for the radio silence lately. It's been a busy past couple of weeks.

Private to Cormac

If you need anything at the shop tomorrow, you can contact me through the journals. No owls, in case we wander close to the Muggle parts of Italy. If it's a minor thing, feel free to make executive decisions. I trust your judgment to do the right thing.