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July 2014


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January 13th, 2014



Journal: Night Out

[Warded to any Hogsmeade residents not in a relationship]

I need I feel like a night out. Drinks, dancing, music, cute boys. Is anyone free this weekend?



[No Subject]

When, precisely, did the Wizarding Wireless Network become the 'We Will Prattle Endlessly On About Quidditch' Network? Perhaps some mention of the outside world or the weather would be welcome to some listeners.

Warded Private to J. Dorny
I have yet to hear from you regarding the outcome of our conversation. Shall I contact my solicitor or will you be punishing speaking with Potter about this egregious matter?

Warded Private to Self
- Devise new organisational system for Eye of Newt.
- Forbid discussion of International Quidditch Championships in potions classroom. And Slytherin Common Room.
- Investigate St. Valentine's Day.
- Re-stock potions storeroom.



Log: Cupcakes and Alcohol?

Who: Lucy and Dan
What: A meal, possibly some cupcakes, chat
When: Monday evening
Where: Dan's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

I'll be there for you, when the rain starts to fall )


With under two months to go until the Milan Magical Fashion Week, I've just approved the first round of looks that Gladrags Wizardwear is showcasing for the spring and fall collections. We'll be going through a sped up construction of the clothing on display, which means the next week should be filled with almost nothing but fabric shopping and testing for me.

After that, multiple more tweaks and changes and booking models and planning the progression of the collection and tweaking them even more and setting up meetings for Milan that week and booking hotels and travel plans and trying very, very hard not to let the stress get the better of me. It's only Milan, it's only Gladrags.

Warded Private to Self:

Look into contingency plans for worst case scenarios.

Warded to Merrill:

I adore you, I do, but I may also hate you a little. No, I'm lying, don't listen to me, I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You'll be there, I hope? Take Roger and Violet with you, too, I'm sure you'll all love it. And I owe you dinner for all of this. Not The Three Broomsticks. Circe, this Friday evening, perhaps? Or any other evening you're free.

Warded to Caleb:

I suppose, if worse comes to worse, Gladrags could still make a living off of socks, right? How does your schedule around the second week of March look like? Would you like to attend some shows with me?



Interoffice Memos

To Ritchie Coote:

Mr Coote,

Thank you for your recent application for the post of junior researcher. On behalf of the Countdown radio show, it is my pleasure to let you know that you have been selected for an interview this Thursday, 1pm.

The team looks forward to meeting you then.

Serena Capper
& the Countdown team


To Adrian Pucey:

Mr Pucey,

Thank you for the weekend summary that I received today. I'd like to go over the report's structure with you when you have a moment. Please let me know the next time you'll be in-office.

Thank you,

Serena Capper



Owl to Isabel Moon

Hi Iz,

I was wondering if I'd be able to take off work on the 24 January in order to travel to an away match with the Hydras. I could still do my usual opening shift on the 23rd.

In addition, Tracey's got her show in Milan in March. Would I be able to be let off on 13-14 March to attend?

Let me know! Thanks.

- C

Owl to Merrill Urquhat

Dear Mr. Urquhart,

Recently I completed a survey that you'd distributed (well, I made an honest attempt anyway). But now I'm curious (perhaps I cannot help it as I am a through and through Ravenclaw), do you have any thoughts or insights?


Stewart Ackerley



owl to Alicia

A parcel contains a small t-shirt with the words 'If you can read this my invisibility cloak isn't working' with the attached note:

Thought this would be funny on Isla.

- Cormac