The Last Station

July 2014


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January 2nd, 2014


Owls to Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter

Owl #1:


Are you free for lunch tomorrow, just you and me? It's been ages and I'd love to fix that.



Owl #2:


I've thought it over and I think it's best for one of us to let Ginny know about the midnight incident. It was obviously just something between friends, but I don't want her to get the wrong idea from anyone else.

I will update you as able once we are able to meet.




Log: Serena and Adrian meet

Who: Serena Capper & Adrian Pucey
Where: WWN; Serena's office
When: January 2, afternoon
What: A meet and greet between new co-workers
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Serena wasn't sure what to expect from her new co-worker. There was, of course, the question of whether they'd be working together on a regular basis - one of the reasons why she was pleased he was willing to meet right away. And then there was the matter of his lack of experience. Serena had done a bit of research and was curious to hear from him directly regarding why he'd chosen to join the WWN with so little journalism or radio experience behind him. Sure, he'd had an accomplished Quidditch career, but would that translate? Serena wasn't sure and if she had to read his reports or collaborate with him, she hoped he'd be able to pull his own weight.

"Please come in," she said once she noticed a figure at her door, standing to meet him. "You must be Adrian."




I have decided to get out more of the woods and into the town life.

Owl to Ginny Weasley

Sent immediately after comments made in Lavender's journal.


The reason why I wanted to have lunch with you tomorrow is so we could talk about an incident that occurred between Harry and myself at Andrew's New Year's party. We kissed for an approximation of two seconds, and I firmly believe that the fact that I counted the duration indicates my lack of interest in the incident recurring.

I wanted to tell you first, in person, but some people like to gossip.




Happy New Year!

Just 2 days into the new year and I hit a new milestone in my life: I autographed my first pair of boobs.

Not my boobs, obviously. A fan's. A very avid Hydras (and specifically, Ginny Weasley) fan accosted me this afternoon. She waited outside the locker room door after practice and bypassed all my burly, attractive male teammates and wanted my John Hancock on her bosom. Wow, that sounded a lot dirtier than I thought. She said she's going to get it made into a tattoo and I don't know whether I should be flattered or scared.

So even though my New Year's Eve was a bit iffy, at least 2006 is starting out in a positive note!



Owl to Ginny


I'm not sure what you're imagining right now, but I can assure you whatever 'kiss' Hermione and I shared was one between friends and in the spirit of continuing a New Year's Eve tradition.

Don't be angry with her. Or me. Or do, because you can feel however you want. But it really wasn't a big deal.





[Warded to Isabel]
Up for giving out some advice?

[Warded to Entwhistle]
You still doing the adoption thing? My cat is particular about people, but handles other cats surprisingly well, as long as they let her be in charge. My sister's cat visits sometimes, but he gets along with everything and everyone. I don't know how the fuck this works.



journal entry

What started as another terrible day at Hogsmeade Reads has turned into a most amusing one. Granger is all in a tizzy because the Weasley girl found out she and Potter shared a New Year's Eve kiss at Midnight.

Why does She Weasley even care? She and Potter aren't married. Sweet Merlin these Gryffindors are overly emotional imbeciles.

Happy New Year, indeed.

Log: Merrill and Adrian

Who: Merrill and Adrian (and Violet!)
What: lunch
When: noon, 01/02
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Although Adrian and Merrill had spoken across the journals a few times since Adrian moved into the village (and they'd technically been at the same New Year's Eve party), they hadn't actually met face to face before now. Given their long history as mates, Adrian imagined they'd pick right back up where they'd left off. By the time noon arrived, he'd taken up a position in a booth with a view of the door, a pint at his elbow and a copy of the Daily Prophet open to the Quidditch section on the table in front of him.



Log: A private dinner

Who: Alexei, Morag, Lisa, Hogsmeade Hydras players and staff, Caleb, Tracey, etc
What: Morag's birthday dinner
When: January 1 (backdated)
Where: Alexei and Morag's home
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Alexei and Morag had spent her actual birthday, on the 31st of December, with a dinner and an overnight stay in London to celebrate the coming of the new year, but Alexei had wanted to throw a dinner party for her as well. Reasoning that most people would have already had plans for new year's eve, he set up a dinner for the night after, putting all of his culinary expertise to the test and whipping up a small but still impressive feast consisting of savory favorites and sweet desserts, bottles of wine and some of Morag's favorite champagne.

Owl to Sebastien


Don't want to interrupt your practice schedule before the game on Saturday, but any chance of an old teammate grabbing a pint with you after you trounce the Falcons?




log: lav and adrian meet

Who: Lavender and Adrian
What: Meeting face-to-face
When: Thursday, Jan 2nd, 6pm
Where: Floo Station and then?
Rating: NSFW
Status: Ongoing

After work, Lavender rushed home to wash and prepare for her meeting with Adrian. After talking on the journals most of the afternoon, she was a little nervous to actually interact with him in person. But she was going in with an open mind and hoping for the best.

Styling her hair straight for the evening, she added enough makeup to compliment her features but not too much. The finishing touch was slipping into her new dress that she'd received from her Secret Santa. She had them to thank, after all, for all of this. She configured the dress to have a deep v-neck, but with sleeves to ensure the scarring on her left shoulder was covered. No one needed to see that.

After deeming herself perfect for this encounter, she bundled up for the cold weather and headed to the Floo station. Luckily Adrian was already there and she waved as she approached. "Lavender Brown, in the flesh, at your services."

*note: Lav is wearing the middle right style of the dress

Journal: Polls and Things

Someone who shall remain unnamed has been crowing smug about some kind of survey he sent around. According to this faceless, nameless, completely anonymous person, half of Hogsmeade wants to shag him. OR HER. It could be a her.

But as a scholarly Ravenclaw, I will agree to nothing without proper research.

So! Informal poll:

Who would you shag: Roger or Merrill bugger it Merrill?



log: pansy and hermione drink?

Who: Pansy and Hermione
What: Teaching Granger how to drink because she's not doing it right
When: Thursday, Jan 2nd, 7:30pm
Where: Hermione's flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

As Pansy had threatened promised, she arrived at Hermione's at 7:30 sharp and knocked on the witch's door. Although Hermione had insisted this wasn't necessary, Pansy highly disagreed. However, with Hermione's rejection in mind, she had prepared for the worse with a bottle of Firewhiskey stashed under her arm. One way or another, they were drinking!

"Granger, open up," she called, tapping her foot impatiently.