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September 15th, 2014

[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net

Does anyone know any good places to take pictures around here? I'm taking the new wide angle lens that we got at work out for a test drive, and it's sooooooooo cool so I want to find a nice spot for panoramic type pictures. I've spent most of the morning fitting it to my own camera, and it works like a charm. I really can't wait for this afternoon, so I can take this bad boy out for a spin.

I'm not all that good at taking pictures of people in the studio yet, but I'm getting better at landscapes and just catching people in action outside. I took some nice ones of Molly at her soccer game the other day. I still have to upload them to my computer though, but I'll let you know when they're ready.

Anyone interested in doing something fun outside so I can take pictures and practice?

[info]19_53_88 in [info]portland_net

Adam (Conant)
I was wondering, with your individual magic, can you do spells to find things or people that are missing?

[info]mitgirl in [info]portland_net

Private to Oliver

I know you took the night off...but given that we live together and I see you almost each morning I wanted to see how you were doing. Are you okay? Can I get you anything?

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]portland_net

Private to Doug

Hey, wanna hang out?

[info]adarkerdiana in [info]portland_net


Are you busy?

[info]shehowls in [info]portland_net



I screwed up big time. I am so screwed. You don't even know.

[info]mrknockknock in [info]portland_net

Private to Tom

Haven't heard from you in a while. I hope you're doing okay over there.

[info]witchkiller in [info]portland_net

Texts to Faye

» Are you ignoring my calls now?
» I haven't seen you in a few days or is that deliberate as well?
» If this is punishment for something I did then you have me confused because I've been here for like ten seconds.

[info]mcfierceson in [info]portland_net

Where is she? Where's Brooke?

If this is a hospital, then where is Brooke?

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net

I got a call back! I'm so excited....apparently it's between me and another girl so they want us to am do a scene with a few of the guys. I can do this. I will get this part.

[info]onmygypsyshonor in [info]portland_net

Steve Rogers

Hey, my name is Peter Rumancek. This may be a little weird since we've never met, but I was given your name and told that you were the owner of the gym in town. I been here for a few days, and I realized I probably need to find a job soon, and one of the people I talked to said you were hiring. I'm not sure what you've got open, or if I'd fit the bill, but I'm interested in anything you might have.

The last job I had before coming here was working for a local tow truck company, so I know I don't have much or any experience in a gym, but I'm up for anything. If you don't have anything, no problem at all, but I didn't think it would hurt to check with you in case you did.