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August 25th, 2014

[info]wasatree in [info]portland_net

I will give whoever did this ten seconds to fess up and give me my clothes back before I start throwing lightning.

[info]rcscherbatsky in [info]portland_net


Well. This is going to be interesting.

[info]argent in [info]portland_net

Anyone want to enlighten me on who's sick joke this is? I don't even have socks.

[info]cannottouch in [info]portland_net

Even my gloves? Really?

Molly and Krissy
Were the two of you at least spared? because I don't want y'all leaving the house if you have no clothes.

[info]coyotebound in [info]portland_net

What's the big deal? It's just skin.

[info]sharpshooting in [info]portland_net

Scott, Isaac & Lydia

I'm making the dash across the street. So someone unlock the door please.

[info]its_starlord in [info]portland_net

Well that's one way to get me out of my clothes. Points for creativity to the wormhole.

[info]gentlepevensie in [info]portland_net

Well... this is quite unexpected, really. Changing your age is one thing, but stealing your clothes as well? Does anyone realize how difficult it is to carry around a quiver with no clothes on? It has been an off month, hasn't it?

Private to Friends (anyone she's talked to can assume they're friends with her)
So... I hope you won't be too upset with me, but...

I'm married!!!

Caspian and I decided that it would be easier to get married while we looked older, so that we wouldn't be questioned at all. And it actually worked like a charm. That being said, I still fully intend to have a reception, which if Sookie and Serena could be ever so kind as to continue helping me plan, I would be most grateful.

I will send out proper invitations soon, and I expect to see you all at the reception. Hopefully fully clothed...

[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net

My clothes... Why did it have to be my clothes? I love my clothes. :(

Private to Spencer, Hanna and Emily
I'm not coming out of my room.

[info]shiftingromeo in [info]portland_net


[info]quincyarcher in [info]portland_net

Well, isn't this interesting.

Good thing I always carry my sewing kit around with me. Does anyone require clothing made out of bedsheets?

[info]pondoflife in [info]portland_net

I SAW JACK NAKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[info]spaces_between in [info]portland_net

I haven't had a chance to welcome most of the new arrivals yet, so I might as well take the opportunity to do so now. I'm Maya. I'm going to be teaching American sign language at the college this semester, but you're more likely to find me at the Dance & Gymnastics Academy or Portland City Gym. I'm one of probably several people who'll be happy to join you for sparring, training, yoga or meditation, though I will note I don't have any supernatural strength or speed, so I probably wouldn't be a good match for anyone who does.

[info]boltofbarry in [info]portland_net

I seriously cannot believe I'm doing this. I'm going to regret this so much.

Hi everyone. Barry Allen here. Naked thanks

So, I guess it's time you all knew something about me. I don't actually know how it happened, but apparently, I can run really fast. Like really really fast. Fast enough that no one will be able to see me. Trust me. I can prove it to you.

In light of our current predicament, if anyone needs me to go pick up something and drop it off for them, just let me know. You won't see me, and I won't see you. Sound good?

[info]iveseenwonders in [info]portland_net

I demand to know who has taken my clothes, and why?

What ransom do you hope to take?

[info]trapsandsnares in [info]portland_net


Everyone's clothes are missing?

Who does that?

[info]mysweetcaroline in [info]portland_net

Naked house party!

Even more entertaining than a regular house party.

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net

Great! Just what I need....I'm not walking around naked. I need my clothes....or something.

[info]idontwantpeace in [info]portland_net

Well, this is different.

[info]nightingalesway in [info]portland_net

Take a quick catnap in the employee lounge, wake up naked. Got to love it.

Managed to find a labcoat that doesn't disappear, but it doesn't close all the way, so I've decided to just ignore it. May bring it home and see if it survives. Sort of wondering if the entities that did this have a kink.

Not very professional, but everyone else in the hospital is naked too. You sort of forget about it after five minutes... until you hit a very cold air conditioned room.

[info]jackofboe in [info]portland_net

Anyone up for a game of naked hide-and-seek?

BTW... yes, the gun range is open for business.

[info]hammondtj in [info]portland_net

Private to Doug

Still freaking out?

[info]chosensavior in [info]portland_net

This isn't normal, is it?

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

I think I'll still go to work tonight.

You're welcome Portland.

[info]badwolftyler in [info]portland_net

Oh my God, everyone is naked!

[info]redroy in [info]portland_net

What the actual fuck. I thought we were done for August.

[info]thepizzaman in [info]portland_net

Where is my trenchcoat?

[info]howconvenient in [info]portland_net

I've never seen so many freaking disgusting bodies in my life.

[info]threerounds in [info]portland_net

This is elaborate. [...] And distracting.

[info]all_my_lives in [info]portland_net

Oh no! What can I do? I can't go to the university and teach a class like this!

[info]paintingbaker in [info]portland_net

Well, if anyone needs body-painted to look like you're actually wearing clothes, I'm pretty good at it. It'll at least get you through your day without it being quite as terrible.

[info]alrighttoo in [info]portland_net

Now that everyone's done with the freak-out can we all just say skin is skin, and we move on with living life? I promise to put down towels wherever I sit, and occasionally cover up, so long as everyone else does.

[info]blondchameleon in [info]portland_net

Am I gonna get fired cause I don't actually have clothes to take off at work?

[info]firstimmortal in [info]portland_net

Interesting. Who would I have thought that I would one day wake up in a nudist colony? I can't say the sight is welcoming in some cases but who am I to judge? Bygones can be bygones.

Now if someone can tell me what happened to me I can be on my way. This isn't Mystic Falls and I would very much like to get back there. Things to do, doppelgangers to find.

[info]doctorjohnsmith in [info]portland_net

Well, this is going to be awkward!

[info]fairysookie in [info]portland_net

Private to T.J.

Hey... so... kinda naked here and I thought perhaps I might... if you don't mind... take the night off. or for as long as my clothes disappear