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August 1st, 2014

[info]yourqueenb in [info]portland_net

private to serena

Are you trying to manipulate my living arrangements too?

[info]hidethedamage in [info]portland_net

I'm not saying I'm drunk... but if I were drunk...

Oh fuck it, I'm semi-drunk. It's way too early in the morning to be drunk, and I still have my wits about me. I think. Ask me again in fifteen minutes.

I want some havoc. (Technically, I want to go back to my normal life, which is havoc enough for anyone, but havoc here sans monsters and people I like disappearing would be awesome.)

[info]sharpshooting in [info]portland_net

[Private to Isaac, Scott and Lydia]

You know who is here. He told me Kate is alive. He's lying, right?

[Private to Stiles]

Hey. Are you ever going to talk to me again?

[Private to Elijah]

Thanks for your help with everything.

[info]alwaysbetrayed in [info]portland_net

Private to Niklaus

I believe there's a matter that needs to be discussed.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

Private to Serena
Did I do something to you?

Private to Spencer
Hey, you don't know me, but you met my friend Elena. I'm Stefan. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Text to Damon
>>I'll be at your place tonight and from there we'll meet Harry and see what he can do.

Private to Caroline
How's Portland treating you so far?

Private to Blair
I know you're unhappy, but if there's something I can do to make it better, let me know.

Private to Rebekah
You need to be careful, Rebekah.

Private to Robin
I'm going to assume that Serena told you.

[info]sunshinebarbie in [info]portland_net

Somebody got a new car. Who wants to go for a ride?

[Private to David]

Hey! I'm so sorry that I've been a little MIA. Blair actually showed up in town so I've been trying to get her settled. How are you?

[info]fullmetal_ed in [info]portland_net

Are there any books out there about alchemy that aren't full of crap and have formulas that actually make sense instead of being gibberish?

Private to Viktoria
I think I'm getting the hang of this place.

[info]zoosophy in [info]portland_net

Got to (help) hold a flamingo today. They're incredibly awkward looking when they're sedated, especially when you have to keep them steady to check up on a wing injury. But you know, that was my day, how about everyone else?

On the other hand I'll probably spend half the weekend doing prep study. Not nearly as neat. Still if this place was like this all the time it wouldn't be so bad.

[info]buffythevampire in [info]portland_net

Private to Emily
I want to apologize to you. It's come to my attention that I may have offended you or a friend of yours when we last spoke, and I want you to know, that was never my intention. I hope you're settling in well.

Private to Santana
Are you alright, darling?

[info]felloutonmyface in [info]portland_net

Private to Spencer

What are you doing, Spencer?

[info]killedtwice in [info]portland_net

Private to Spencer

How have you been? Hey just to let you know we all looked and didn't find anything.

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

Private to Stefan

Rebekah says I should talk to you or whatever.

[info]mysweetcaroline in [info]portland_net

So... since I've been here over and over...

Who else am I supposed to know? Other than Ruby who loves shopping.

House party?

What day works for you?